Vampire News Network

May 4, 2003

Vampire Harem Tent

The mighty God of War, BloodSpawn, has picked a new member for his vampire harem. He has choosen Cerridwen Vampyre Sorceress as the newest member. She refused, saying that she never shares her lovers. Blodie didn't take it all that well and used his godly influence to make her enter the harem. She broke free of this spell and flew away on her dragon. Lucius laughed at Bloodie and stated that at least all the members of the FerryMen's Harem were there by choice.


There is a pot roast running around RavenBlack City. No one is sure of it's where abouts. It was sighted flying out of my backdoor. Kiry has been searching for it ever since. When asked if anyone had this missing pot roast, Cerridwen quickly covered the roast she was eating up with a napkin.

Sealing Ceremony Set

The sealing of Batty and Obsidian is to take place on May 12, 2003. I am not sure what time it is to be held at. Do to a recent falling out, Batty might be looking for a new master of ceremonies for this joyous occassion. The reception is to be held at Notte Scura.


Notte Scura: Why not go were fashion sits? Check it all out here!

Don’t like the Capadocious Clan? Want to show them they aren’t really in charge? Join the fight, be an assassin today! Interested?

Politically incorrect and proud of it: RBB Debate.

The Chill : Non-clan chat for Vampires!

Attention clanless vampires seeking teachers/mentors/ect.! They do exist and want to help you learn your way around the city and it’s systems. If interested please contact EuphoricLust at

Need a vacation from it all? Act now and receive 50% off for the month of July, includes air, hotel, and car rentals. Interested? Contact Cap’s travel agent at:

Come to the Vampire Underground. It is where we can all be free. All are welcome.

'Need help with spelling but don't want to be in Cap's ESL class (for all of you Capadocians out there)? BlackWings (the one from, not the vampire, since they're two different characters) is extending her claw out to help you. The email's'


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