Vampire News Network

April 20, 2003

Egg Hunt!

700 eggs are hidden throughout RavenBlack City tonight. So what you say? Well, they contain surprises. Everything from free drinks at the bar to eggs full of holy water! Happy hunting, and do be careful which ones you open!

Concerning the Leaders of the Clans

I am trying to expand on VNN. I feel that not all the clans are equally represented within this newspaper. I am therefore asking of all the clan leaders to extend to me a visit within therir walls to help bring them into the 'light'. My gosl with this idea is to acknowledge and spred the deeds of each clan. Currently, I get all my information for stories on the Ravenblack-blood message board. Lately, it has been quiet there, at least as far as making news out of the goings on there. I also know that not all clans openly participate there. I really just want everyone to be able to be a part of this news network. All clan leaders please contact me at: I will work out all details and answer any questions you may have there. Thank you for your time and consideration of this idea. I have only had four replies to this idea. I was really hoping that more of you would be interested in getting your clan some recognition for what is doing and has done. I will run this until April 24, 2003. If I do not receive more inquiries about this idea of mine, I will kill it with the clans that have already agreed, because that is only proper.

Batty's Angels Wrestling League?

Pandemona's up to no good again. She has taken upon herself dawn a black leather bikini with HHH printed on the rear and wrestle all those who challenge her. Of course, all the guys are loving this and drooling at this sight. They have all sworn to cheer and throw mud into the ring. Now I just have two questions to ask: Who will be her first challenger, and what is it all coming too?

Locked and Loaded

Looks like we need the NRA in RavenBlack City. Recently there has been a large influx of vamps with shotguns. Kiry has stated that she always has hers on her. And Batty's is always loaded with toothpicks and silver pellets, cause you never know what you'll meet on the streets at night. There are even rumors flying around that special silver bullets filled with holy water are being manufactured and sold. These rumors are unconfirmed, so I'll be doing some snooping to see what I can find. My advice to all is this: Watch who you piss off! That vamp could be one of these lunatics with guns!


Notte Scura: Why not go were fashion sits? Check it all out here!

Don’t like the Capadocious Clan? Want to show them they aren’t really in charge? Join the fight, be an assassin today! Interested?

Politically incorrect and proud of it: RBB Debate.

Want to represent your clan in the next session of the clan ratings? Email Mooncalf (or his ghost, whatever he is) at New session starts May first.

Attention clanless vampires seeking teachers/mentors/ect.! They do exist and want to help you learn your way around the city and it’s systems. If interested please contact EuphoricLust at

Need a vacation from it all? Act now and receive 50% off for the month of July, includes air, hotel, and car rentals. Interested? Contact Cap’s travel agent at:

Come to the Vampire Underground. It is where we can all be free. All are welcome.

'Need help with spelling but don't want to be in Cap's ESL class (for all of you Capadocians out there)? BlackWings (the one from, not the vampire, since they're two different characters) is extending her claw out to help you. The email's'


Thieves Guild 1 – Willow and 39th

Thieves Guild 2 – Despair and 71st

Thieves Guild 3 – Pessimism and 99th

Immolators Guild 1 – Yak and 41st

Immolators Guild 2 – Gloom and 99th

Immolators Guild 3 – Alder and 15th

Empaths Guild 1 – Ivory and 90th

Empaths Guild 2 - Anguish and 90th

Empaths Guild 3 – Vauxite and 96th

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