Vampire News Network

March 9, 2003




Attack By Cap Clan


After the Battle at Gloom had ended, the Cap Clan made a return attack.  During the original attack launched by Black Haven, the Cap Clan retreated to Beryl and 41st (most likely to get a re-fill on supplies).  However, they returned after the Black Haveners had either gone their own way or were re-building aps and attacked Witchy Rune.  This attack on her was more than she could handle alone, and she was reduced to zero blood points.  I confirmed that she had lost these points.  Currently no one is available for comment, but I will be conducting interviews with some of the vamps involved in each attack over the next few days.




Challenged Has Been Sent



A challenge has been issued to one Monsieur Alessio de Montmartre from one Kuroidesu.  Apparently a duel in the city was to take place, but it has instead turned into a city fight, as mentioned by Heimdag earlier today.   I will give updates as I get them.




City in Lock Down


Due to the recent events (bank president disappearance and problems at the bars) the human police have locked the city down!  The lock down will be continuing until their investigation of the recent events is concluded.  We have to be more careful after this or our discoverary will the next thing seen in human papers, and I for one am not up for burnings at the stake and vampire hunters roaming around our city.



Shops and Guilds


White Light – Amethyst and 64th

Thieves Guild 2 – Sycamore and 39th





Have something you want seen in the news?  Contact me at  Next time you see it, it’ll probably be in print.  (Note:  All submissions will be read before any are posted.  If they do not meet the standards of this paper, you will be contacted and told as such.  For guild lines on submissions, please contact me and ask.)



Notte Scura:  Where all the cool vamps go for fun!



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