Vampire News Network

April 10, 2003



The Return of Pandemona


She has come out of her watery grave at last. Kishan has won her heart and broken the spell placed upon her. After a few days of longing and searching, his heart was filled again with joy as Pandemona came back to him. They kissed and made up and, well, the reat has to be left out because the material is no approperate.



Vamp Attacked!

reported by PersonMan


Yesterday morning Savat was visciously attacked by a group of maliscious humans who attempted to brutally destroy him with stakes and Holy Water. They were swiftly done away with, but Savat has since severed all ties with vampires outside his bloodline, in suspicion that somebody tipped off the little feedbags to the location of his home. We have to kill the humans, Kill them All!!!




Kindness Looking to be Repaid


Erreth-Ahra is looking for a generous vampire named Arjun. The vamp in question loaned Erreth-Ahra 40 coins when she was in desperate need of them. She would like to repay this kind act, but has no way to find this vampire. If anyone sees Arjun please let Erreth know.





Notte Scura: Why not go were fashion sits? Check it all out here!


Don?t like the Capadocious Clan? Want to show them they aren?t really in charge? Join the fight, be an assassin today! Interested?


Politically incorrect and proud of it: RBB Debate.


Want to represent your clan in the next session of the clan ratings? Email Mooncalf (or his ghost, whatever he is) at New session starts May first.


Attention clanless vampires seeking teachers/mentors/ect.! They do exist and want to help you learn your way around the city and it?s systems. If interested please contact EuphoricLust at


Need a vacation from it all? Act now and receive 50% off for the month of July, includes air, hotel, and car rentals. Interested? Contact Cap?s travel agent at:


Come to the Vampire Underground. It is where we can all be free. All are welcome.




Thieves Guild 1 ? Teasel and 87th

Thieves Guild 2 ? Iguana and 25th

Thieves Guild 3 ? Killjoy and 89th

Immolators Guild 1 ? Nightingale and 68th

Immolators Guild 2 ? Fear and 5th

Immolators Guild 3 ? Ennui and 15th

Empaths Guild 1 ? Yuksporite and 38th

Empaths Guild 2 - Buzzard and 98th

Empaths Guild 3 ? Pessimism and 18th





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