Vampire News Network

April 4, 2003



A Tribute to a Fallen Brother


Pazuzu was a vampire of the Mists. He has passed on in real life due to a heart attack that came from long term heart problems. His passing is commemorated with a Graveyard in his last location near Mongoose and 50th. Here is a small goodbye to him.



Cap is Desparate for Members


Almost everyone in Raven Black City has recieved an invitation to join Clan Capadocious. Some were even put in the clan without consent. Is Cap trying to make up for the lose of his wife? Or is it because there are rumors of a revolt right inside of the Cap Clan? Hmmmm. Makes you wonder if the mass recruitment is to make a shiel of vampire fodder to defend oneself. Guess we'll have to wait and see now won't we.




Notte Scura: Why not go were fashion sits? Check it all out here!


Don?t like the Capadocious Clan? Want to show them they aren?t really in charge? Join the fight, be an assassin today! Interested?


Politically incorrect and proud of it: RBB Debate.


Want to represent your clan in the next session of the clan ratings? Email Mooncalf (or his ghost, whatever he is) at New session starts May first.


Attention clanless vampires seeking teachers/mentors/ect.! They do exist and want to help you learn your way around the city and it?s systems. If interested please contact EuphoricLust at


Need a vacation from it all? Act now and receive 50% off for the month of July, includes air, hotel, and car rentals. Interested? Contact Cap?s travel agent at:


Come to the Vampire Underground. It is where we can all be free. All are welcome.




Thieves Guild 1 ? Duck and 79th

Thieves Guild 2 ? Kyanite and 21st

Thieves Guild 3 ? Woe and 14th

Immolators Guild 1 ? Pessimism and 70th

Immolators Guild 2 ? Cedar and 19th

Immolators Guild 3 ? Maliase and 27th

Empaths Guild 1 ? Cormorant and 43rd

Empaths Guild 2 -

Empaths Guild 3 ?Octopus and 83rd





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