Vampire News Network

March 23, 2003



Clan Savage Disbanded


Do to the recent attacks from BloodSpawn and a few members of his squad, Clan Savage has ceiced to exist.  Julian, former Savage Clan leader, apologized to all his former members about this.  Many of his former members had recently switched to Clan Capadocious because of the attacks and the lack of support they were getting from their leader.



Honoring a Fallen Vamp


I have just received word that a large group of heavily armed vampires have set their sites on Clan Capadocious.  Why are they doing this, one may ask.  The answer is really quite simple.  This group of vampires will be avenging the death of Will der Bauer.  This large group consists of 84 unnamed vampires all with blood point levels over 1100 pints.  Their goal is to reduce every member of Clan Capadocious to zero.  I have not been given any time frame for this planned assault, but I am quite sure I will have more details as they become available to me.



Count Beljeferon Loses his Childer  


By, phantom


For weeks Count Beljeferon has been welcoming the newly wedded couple of creperum and Andronicus into his warm arms.  Claiming Andronicus as the new “Viscount and heir to his house.”  Yet today, Andronicus repaid the Count by dragging creperum away from the clan and proclaiming Blejeferon’s allies were dangerous and evil.  He also claimed that he was seeking a more powerful political affiliation and will someday dominate the city.  He’s also breaking ties with the entire clan and speaking exclusively for his own wife.



Caps Take Down Another One


I have just received word that yet another young vamp has fallen at the hands of the Capadocious Clan.  This young one was a trainee assassin and was eliminated for doing her job.  No name was giving as to who she was, or who she was affiliated with.






Notte Scura:  Why not go were fashion sits?  Check it all out here!


Don’t like the Capadocious Clan? Want to show them they aren’t really in charge?  Join the fight, be an assassin today! Interested?


Politically incorrect and proud of it:  RBB Debate.





Thieves Guild 1 – Nickel and 21st

Thieves Guild 2 – Malachite and 12th

Thieves Guild 3 – Raven and 38th

Immolators Guild 1 – Steel and 20th

Immolators Guild 2 – Teasel and 43rd



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