Vampire News Network

March 17, 2004

Merging of Two Clans

written by, charish

The Brothhood of Blood and the Warriors of Blood have merged into one clan keeping the name of the Brotherhood of Blood. There are a couple of reasons behind this merger. After an old friend of the leaders of each clan returned, the leaders, Serena (WoB), redjulie (BoB), Sizzilia (BoB), and RavenAirSprite (BoB) met together and decided it would be mutually benificial for both clans to merge into one. The merger would increase the clans numbers,a s well as give each clan what the other was missing or lacking in slightly. The former Brotherhood of Blood was mainly thieves and intelligance gathers, as where the Warriors of Blood were mostly, well warriors. The friend that sparked the merger wishes to remain annoymous for the time being.

JezebelPheonix to Wed Zara

written by, PersonMan

All the weddings seem to come at you at once don't they? Maybe it's the spring air, or the lunar alignments, or some mystical nonsense that nobody ever--- wait, what was I writing about? Oh yeah, JezebelPhoenix and Zara are going to be saying their vows on YM at 10:00 PM EST, March 21, and JP's sire, Wander, would like to see you all there. If you miss it, they're playing again on AIM at 11... For some reason this sounds like a football commercial. Anyway, it's sure to be a glorious event, and we're glad to see another couple tying the not. We hope you two have a great handfasting, now time to get back to eating that cheerleader.

Truce. Oh Wait, No.

written by, PersonMan

Callisto came to the Shadow Court to negotiate a truce between the Capadocious Clan and the Shadow Court, and by Lucius' will it was accepted, mending all the bad blood between the two. Lucius boasted of the truce as the Cap's surrender in rhyme, in a somewhat insulting manner, and Callisto came forward. Attempting to set things straight, that the truce was nothing more than a truce, a surrender on both sides, rather than just on the Cap side. Due to the flimsy nature of said truce, Lucius retracted the agreement, once again putting the two into their endless onslaught. Swallowing their pride isn't exactly a characteristic of Caps, so it wasn't all too unexpected. Hasty decisions are hastily discarded by nature, evidently.


Are your urges getting to you? Do you need to get rid of sexual fustration, or just have some fun? This group is intended for mature (18 and over) audiences.

Attention journalers. Do you have a LiveJournal or a account? If you do, well then you are in luck. RavenBlack's official Vampire community is up and running in both LiveJournal and The commnity is called "Lost in Shadows", affectionately called the LiS. Why don't you stop by and pay them a visit? Lost In Shadows in LiveJournal. Also if this suits your needs, there is one located in Lost In Shadows in Deadjournal

A collection of stories about vampyres, brave warriors, and fun, naughty goings on of the inhabitants of RavenBlack City. Set whenever, where ever, and however of any size, genre, and rating, it is a sound group of stories compiled together, and edited to perfection for your viewing pleasure. RavenBlack: The Chronicles

Notte Scura: Why not go were fashion sits? Check it all out here!

Looking to get powers? Want to build some vampire muscle or skill? Come to The Dojo, a place of teaching and training for the vampires of Ravenblack City.

There is a new group in town, but it is not for all you Vamps out here (there are enough of those popping up), It is for your Human. I figured it was about time my Human got out and socialized a bit with others of her kind, so hopefully some of you will take your Humans by for a chat sometime.

Not for the eyes of children: Have you ever come across a vampire named something like OneBigTesticle? Would you like to see that vampire taught a valuable lesson in respect? That is the aim of this group. We seek out vampires with offensive names and work together to put them out of our misery. ;) Check it all out here! Check out the sister site here!

Bloodbar - tavern for the vampires of ravenblack to relax, sip some blood wine..and be merry. Check it all out here!

Politically incorrect and proud of it: RBB Debate.

For insult free, non clan war roleplaying, join us at:RavenBlack Awakening.

For the older residents of the city, come and play at:RavenBlack Adults.Just about anything goes!


Thieves Guild 1 - Nightingale and 2nd

Thieves Guild 2 - Olive and 44th

Thieves Guild 3 - Octopus and 16th

Immolators Guild 1 - Unctuous and 11th

Immolators Guild 2 - Pessimism and 78th

Immolators Guild 3 - Umbrella and 79th

Empaths Guild 1 - Jaded and 13th

Empaths Guild 2 - Chagrin and 41st

Empaths Guild 3 -

Travellers Guild 1 - Iguana and 55th

Travellers Guild 2 - Willow and 11th

Travellers Guild 3 -

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