Vampire News Network

Vampire News Network

March 17, 2004

Lucius' Little Truths

written by, Lucius

101. I despise the pleasure of pleasing people whom I despise.
102. In RavenBlack, a marriage is a success if it outlasts milk.

The Empires Ball

written by, PersonMan

A grand ball was held by the Empire honoring the announcement of its new Emperor. The suspense, the relief, the booze(What? It was still St. Patricks Day...), making the party all the more wonderful an event. So who will the Empire's members be bowing down to? Creperum had him announce it himself. EvilBill stepped forward and announced his new status as Emperor, and the dancing began. Djinn tended to the bar while the the congrats kept rolling in, Archangel even brought a gift from his clan, although a little late. Many were in attendance, twilite, Moondreamer, Malidictus, just to name a few. Cap even sent some un-undead messages in. There were a few glum faces about, but for the most part everyone had a good time. This union likely strengthens the alliance between the Empire and the Church of Blood, never has a companionship intertwined two clans on such a high scale, one can only guess what will come of this...

A Year to Remember

written by, charish

One year ago on this date a wedding took place. Many would think this not a big deal considering how fleeting companions seem to be. However, this union has never broken and most likely never will. Tonight is the night that Lucius and ophelia joined in wedded bliss. Let me bring us all back to that night:

It was a warm evening, Lucius and ophelia met at the alter, Capadocious was the acting priest. He used a traditional Wiccan wedding ceremony, and the two became as one. (I was seated in the chandelier for the whole event, because I was a still a member of BlackHaven Coven at the time. And both clans were currently at war.) The ceremony hosted all the heads of the Cap Clan from that age. However, even though I was allowed to stay for the reception, I wasn't allowed to report on it.

This couple has seen much happen within this city. The passing of friends and clansmen, the splitting and forming something new, the list is endless, yet throughout it all, they remained true to one another and their love has only continued to grow.

Here are some words from Lucius and ophelia.

A letter to Lucius from ophelia:

I do not love you as if you were salt-rose or topaz,
or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.
I love you as certain things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.
I love you as the plant that never blooms,
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers.
Thanks to your love a certain fragrance,
risen darkly from the earth, lives darkly in my body.
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where,
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride,
so I love you because I know no other way than this:
where "I" does not exist, nor "you,"
So close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
So close that your eyes close and I fall asleep.


An eternity in one year. Today marks the day we joined together for all to see. It is the exact moment I placed my trust in you. My world in your hands. Your love in my soul. One year. It passed by so quickly and yet it never ends. The gift of you reminds me that though we stand apart, we are one. Though we don’t always agree, we are united. One year. Filled with laughter and pain. Pleasure and sorrow. Tears and smiles. Arguments and all the wonderful ways to make up when it is done.< One year. Lovely poems. Beautiful music. Whispered secrets wafting from your lips into my heart, reminding me that you are always near, no matter how far. An eternity in one year. Today marks the day we joined together for all to see. It is the exact moment I placed my trust in you. My world in your hands. Your love in my soul. One year. It passed by so quickly and yet it never ends. The gift of you reminds me that though we stand apart, we are one. Though we don’t always agree, we are united. One year. Filled with laughter and pain. Pleasure and sorrow. Tears and smiles. Arguments and all the wonderful ways to make up when it is done. One year. Lovely poems. Beautiful music. Whispered secrets wafting from your lips into my heart, reminding me that you are always near, no matter how far.

I remember the first words you ever uttered in my direction, making me nervous, making me unsure. Making me curious. 'Patience is the first step.' I remember the first conversation we ever had, and my foolishness at your one word comment in the middle of it all. 'Wait' you said. And I babbled incessantly about how I could wait forever if need be, trying to show you how patient I could be. Your humored silence, you meant I was to wait for you to return, as you had to step away for a moment.
I remember the intimate conversations *blushes*. The whispered promises. The rush of discovery, the contentment of knowledge.

Your proposal. So simple. 'Ophelia, will you marry me?' My utter shock, my total pleasure.
I could almost picture that indulgent look on your face awaiting my response, as if there would have been any other than, 'Yes, yes, a million times yes.' I remember the ceremony, the excitement and fearlessness in which you gave me a piece of you to hold and treasure. The beauty of the words uttered by Capadocious for us, words that define in some small measure how we are together. The storm that struck in the middle of everything, the worst seen in years, and everything that has followed since the night I accepted all that you offered, and in return gave all that I have. Looking back, I can recall all the little things that made me love you, make me love you still. Your wit. Your romance. Your difficult moments. Your laughter...your jealousies..and mine. Your beautiful blue eyes, that haunt me now when I sleep. The soft tracing of your fingertips on my skin.
I remember.

One year. A grain of sand in the hourglass of us. Never enough.

I love you

Your wife
Your lover

To ophelia from Lucius:

A Fae that loved a Vampire
Ever in the starry air
Of midnight at her pillow stood
And with sweetness skies above
The luring words of human love
Her soul the changeling wooed...

Ophelia, will you marry me?
As moonlight mingles with starlight
In the lucent azure of an autumn lake;
As the sunset-rays of gold and crimson
That interlace on a couch of purple cloud
For always, beloved Ophelia
My love mingles with yours
And our souls are one,
Like two winds that meet in a valley of roses
And fall to rest, uniting
As the still and fragrant air that lingers
On a bed of falling petals.

Lucius and Ophelia, husband and wife
They danced the dance of life
Until the dance led
And together they rose
Their souls entwined.

Celebrating their wedding anniversary.
Eternal husband of Ophelia

A love so true, that has lasted so long. Everyone within RavenBlack City, with the hopes of finding their one true love, should look upon these two for inspiration. It is there for us all, and they are our example. Happy Anniversary from us here at VNN and from everyone with the city as well.


written by, charish
edited by, PersonMan

It has very recently come to the attention of us here at the Vampire News Network, that we are being taken to court. Gorthar has presented a case, orginally, to the Vamp Court concerning the use of the name VNN. He claims that it is a copyrighted name and his alone. However, if examined closely, the names of each paper, they are in fact different. The name here is the Vampire News Network, as where Gorthar's paper has the name of the Vampire Network News. The names are very similiar, but that has to do with my taking over of the paper. I changed the name, because I was the new owner.

A little background:

Gorthar is the creator of the Vampire Network News. He became to busy to continue his work on it. Mooncalf approached all members of RBB to see if anyone would take it over, and I volunteered to do it. It took a month to get it all started up, and the name was changed slightly, keeping the abbrevation, and changing the name. I got an assisitant, PersonMan, and we continued working on the Vampire News Network for just about a year. The task of keeping this paper going began to become to stressful on Person and I, and we took a much needed vacation. Then after one year of Gorthar not being around at all he returned to try to reclaim VNN. Shortly thereafter, the public interest in the work that PersonMan and myself had done caused us to realise how much we were missed, so it was started up again.
End background.

So the question is, does Gorthar really have a case? His original claim was withdrawn from the from the Vamp Court and moved to the Municipal Court after his case was being given little to no attention in the Vamp Court. He was actually laughed at by UpBeatSweetie concerning this matter. And she also pointed out the name differences to Gorthar, as well as stating he had a moot point about "owning" the name VNN, since it is an abbrevation of the full name of each newspaper.

Public veiws are still somewhat sketchy, so maybe discussions on RBB or RVRC are in order.


Are your urges getting to you? Do you need to get rid of sexual fustration, or just have some fun? This group is intended for mature (18 and over) audiences.

Attention journalers. Do you have a LiveJournal or a account? If you do, well then you are in luck. RavenBlack's official Vampire community is up and running in both LiveJournal and The commnity is called "Lost in Shadows", affectionately called the LiS. Why don't you stop by and pay them a visit? Lost In Shadows in LiveJournal. Also if this suits your needs, there is one located in Lost In Shadows in Deadjournal

A collection of stories about vampyres, brave warriors, and fun, naughty goings on of the inhabitants of RavenBlack City. Set whenever, where ever, and however of any size, genre, and rating, it is a sound group of stories compiled together, and edited to perfection for your viewing pleasure. RavenBlack: The Chronicles

Notte Scura: Why not go were fashion sits? Check it all out here!

Looking to get powers? Want to build some vampire muscle or skill? Come to The Dojo, a place of teaching and training for the vampires of Ravenblack City.

There is a new group in town, but it is not for all you Vamps out here (there are enough of those popping up), It is for your Human. I figured it was about time my Human got out and socialized a bit with others of her kind, so hopefully some of you will take your Humans by for a chat sometime.

Not for the eyes of children: Have you ever come across a vampire named something like OneBigTesticle? Would you like to see that vampire taught a valuable lesson in respect? That is the aim of this group. We seek out vampires with offensive names and work together to put them out of our misery. ;) Check it all out here! Check out the sister site here!

Bloodbar - tavern for the vampires of ravenblack to relax, sip some blood wine..and be merry. Check it all out here!

Politically incorrect and proud of it: RBB Debate.

For insult free, non clan war roleplaying, join us at:RavenBlack Awakening.

For the older residents of the city, come and play at:RavenBlack Adults.Just about anything goes!


Thieves Guild 1 - Hessite and 96th

Thieves Guild 2 - Regret and 43rd

Thieves Guild 3 - Emerald and 66th

Immolators Guild 1 - Amethyst and 58th

Immolators Guild 2 - Tapir and 20th

Immolators Guild 3 - Ruby and 65th

Empaths Guild 1 - Jet and 52nd

Empaths Guild 2 - Cobalt and 19th

Empaths Guild 3 - Olive and 93rd

Travellers Guild 1 - Duck and 11th

Travellers Guild 2 - Nickel and 8th

Travellers Guild 3 - Squid and 50th

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