Vampire News Network

March 10, 2004

Media War

written by, charish and PersonMan

Well, after one year of owning and controlling the Vampire News Network (VNN for short) it seems as though it is about to be taken from me. Gorthar, the orginal owner of VNN, has decided that he wants his newspaper back. Well, guess what, I'm not gonna hand it over without a fight. My staff and myself have worked very hard over the past year to create a respectable newspaper together. However, just within the past few days that Gorthar has had "control" of VNN, he has taken the name that was worked on so hard and tarnished it. To him, the news is nothing more than a free venting place. It is more than that.

This news network will not be going anywhere, and will not have it's named ruined by some lousy two-bit hack. The most prominent members of our staff have returned, Charish and PersonMan, heeding the calls of our colleagues:
ophelia: "I miss charish and her VNN"
Shadowbat: "Personally, I will not read a VNN not written by charish and her staff"
Touched by the public's enthusiasm, expect to find a new issue of VNN on your doorstep each morning.

Currently here at VNN, there are talks of merging with Mooncalf's Raven Times. We are still in early stages of negotations. So far nothing has been set in stone, but I do believe that this merger will happen. I will keep all updated concerning this matter.

We apologize for the inconvenience of not having a paper to go with your morning blood run, thank you all for reading!

City Wide Lottery

written by, charish

Valadon will be soon be departing from RavenBlack City forever. He has found better things beyond the bounds that held him here. However, before he says his final farewell, he would like to give everyone within RavenBlack City, a chance to win the fortune he has amassed here. The current jackpot is at one million coins. Any citizen can purchase a ticket for this lottery for the cost of 1,000 coins. All ticket sales must be confirmed via Y!M, otherwise any coins just dropped off with Valadon, only serve to make him a bit richer before he goes. The drawing will take place on Tuesday, March 16. Good luck to all who enter. For more in depth details about this event please visit The Abyss.

More Corpses to Add to the Pile

written by, charish

Seems as though the Shadow Court is back to doing what it does best, delivering dead bodies. Since the fall of Capadocious, bodies have been being piled up on the steps outside of the Capadocian Keep. The vampire Kaiser was the most recent corpse added to the pile. The Shadow Court plans to continue its decemation of Clan Capadocious. And if they keep it up, there won't be any Capadocian Clan for Cap to return to.

The Empire's Grand Ball

written by, PersonMan

Empress Creperum has announced that her clan will be holding a Ball, free for anyone to attend. The event is in honor of her choosing a new Emperor, who is to be announced some time during the night of the Ball. It will be held March 17, 2004 in the mIRC channel #ravenblack port 6667 ( Formal wear is required, so dress fancy, I know you're all thinking it, no, no goloshes will be permitted. I know, I know, it just isn't fair, but rules are rules. Members of The Empire are available with instructions on how to get there if you're not exactly sure, so contact one of them if you like. The Empress can be reached on Yahoo! Messenger: silver_prelude We all hope to see you there, and congradulations on your choice Empress.

Attention Clans!

written by, PersonMan

The Sun Clan is compiling a list of all active clans in the city, and requests that all clans just send them "their website, a brief description, and a listing of their leaders." They don't want any undisclosed information, just everything that's already available to the general public. This data should be sent to Medea, who can be reached through

Clan listings have become rather scattered, partially to be blamed on... well... us for not keeping our clan page to date. The Sun Clan is requesting this to improve inter-clan relations, and presumably this information will also be made available to the public. In any case, you can also send the information to us here at VNN through Thank you clan leaders, and representative clan members alike.


Are your urges getting to you? Do you need to get rid of sexual fustration, or just have some fun? This group is intended for mature (18 and over) audiences.

Attention journalers. Do you have a LiveJournal or a account? If you do, well then you are in luck. RavenBlack's official Vampire community is up and running in both LiveJournal and The commnity is called "Lost in Shadows", affectionately called the LiS. Why don't you stop by and pay them a visit? Lost In Shadows in LiveJournal. Also if this suits your needs, there is one located in Lost In Shadows in Deadjournal

A collection of stories about vampyres, brave warriors, and fun, naughty goings on of the inhabitants of RavenBlack City. Set whenever, where ever, and however of any size, genre, and rating, it is a sound group of stories compiled together, and edited to perfection for your viewing pleasure. RavenBlack: The Chronicles

Notte Scura: Why not go were fashion sits? Check it all out here!

Looking to get powers? Want to build some vampire muscle or skill? Come to The Dojo, a place of teaching and training for the vampires of Ravenblack City.

There is a new group in town, but it is not for all you Vamps out here (there are enough of those popping up), It is for your Human. I figured it was about time my Human got out and socialized a bit with others of her kind, so hopefully some of you will take your Humans by for a chat sometime.

Not for the eyes of children: Have you ever come across a vampire named something like OneBigTesticle? Would you like to see that vampire taught a valuable lesson in respect? That is the aim of this group. We seek out vampires with offensive names and work together to put them out of our misery. ;) Check it all out here! Check out the sister site here!

Bloodbar - tavern for the vampires of ravenblack to relax, sip some blood wine..and be merry. Check it all out here!

Politically incorrect and proud of it: RBB Debate.

For insult free, non clan war roleplaying, join us at:RavenBlack Awakening.

For the older residents of the city, come and play at:RavenBlack Adults.Just about anything goes!


Thieves Guild 1 - Diamond and 34th

Thieves Guild 2 - Western City Limits and Northern City Limits

Thieves Guild 3 - Aardvark and 4th

Immolators Guild 1 - Holly and 71st

Immolators Guild 2 - Dogwood and 25th

Immolators Guild 3 - Beech and 44th

Empaths Guild 1 - Eagle and 11th

Empaths Guild 2 - Pine and 27th

Empaths Guild 3 - Unicorn and 23rd

Travellers Guild 1 - Quince and 60th

Travellers Guild 2 - Wulfenite and 4th

Travellers Guild 3 - Yearning and 9th

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