Vampire News Network

August 29, 2003

Lucius's Little Truths

by Lucius

Enemies you make are enemies you keep.

Help Wanted

written by, Devil Miyu

It seems like everywhere you go, there's always something new relating to RavenBlack City and its residents. This one's no different. Do you think you're hot? Think you're one sexy creature? Do you have what it takes to turn the charm on and leave them begging for more? Well if you think so, then perhaps getting paid for it wouldn't be such a bad idea too, right? The Blood Lust Nightclub is the new nightclub in town is now hiring! They need plenty of saucy ladies as bartenders, bouncers, and of course, dancers. If you're in need of a little extra cash then this is the place to go. Contact lustfuldelight to apply or for additional information.

Y!M: cardboard_box_girl Email:

Vampires for Sale

written by, charish

EuphoricLust is selling a few vamps. There are 4 vamps that will be going for the best offer. Here are the stats:

You have drunk 443 pints of blood.
Powers: Suction Surprise Celerity(2) Stamina(3) Shadows(3) Thievery(3)
Money: 7958
Current bid: 20,000

Prince Norman
You have drunk 286 pints of blood.
Powers: Suction Surprise Celerity(2) Stamina(3) Shadows(2) Thievery(3)
Money: 5433
Current bid: 5,000

You have drunk 1555 pints of blood.
Powers: Suction Surprise Celerity(1) Stamina(2) Shadows(3) Thievery(3)
Money: 12420
Current bid: 14,000

You have drunk 1575 pints of blood.
Powers: Suction Surprise Stamina(2) Shadows(3) Thievery(3)
Money: 6296
Current bid: 10,000
The stats are being raised daily. Any interested can contact EuphoricLust at anyone the following:
AIM: EuphoricLust
Y!M: ylivevily


written by, charish

It seems as though hunting is the newest sport here in RavenBlack City. EvilBill has called it open season on LilRaver. She made remarks about WanderingFool, that didn't set well with the rest of the Dynasty and inturn got herself thrown out of it. EvilBill can be quoted as saying, "Good luck Lil, you have alienated yourself with the Amazon Blood, you have become outcast of the Dynasty, I seriously doubt, hell, I'll even warn her myself so creperum won't take you into the Empire .. perhaps Unicorn needs an overactive hypersensitive loud mouthed brat running around in BH .. I'm sure that position is already filled, but she might want an extra!" So the question now is: Is LilRaver the next target for the Dynasty for standing up for her friend?

Another One Down

written by, charish

WanderingFool has announced that another enemy of the Dynasty has been "thrown on the pile of corpses." The latest victim is TwistedSister. This vamp, who members of the Dynasty believe to be a clone, caused the Heimdag to be zeroed. This, of course, sent members to avenge their fallen brother. With the task done, WanderingFool states, "TwistedSister has now been zeroed. They need to rest for 30 days. Clones can do that....right?.........lmao"

What is that on the wall over there?

submitted by savat

As you walk through the city, you find papers posted all over the walls and telephone poles around you... It is a rather cryptic note that seems to make every human just shake there heads as they forget what it is that they're looking at. However, as you read it, it seems to make a bit of sense. In essence the note says that it is looking for the leaders of clans. A store is opening September 13th but it's location isn't listed. Instead the contact information and the phrase "Give the name of the ones who follow you." is all you get for now... OOC savat


Are your urges getting to you? Do you need to get rid of sexual fustration, or just have some fun? This group is intended for mature (18 and over) audiences.

Attention journalers. Do you have a LiveJournal or a account? If you do, well then you are in luck. RavenBlack's official Vampire community is up and running in both LiveJournal and The commnity is called "Lost in Shadows", affectionately called the LiS. Why don't you stop by and pay them a visit? Lost In Shadows in LiveJournal. Also if this suits your needs, there is one located in Lost In Shadows in Deadjournal

A collection of stories about vampyres, brave warriors, and fun, naughty goings on of the inhabitants of RavenBlack City. Set whenever, where ever, and however of any size, genre, and rating, it is a sound group of stories compiled together, and edited to perfection for your viewing pleasure. RavenBlack: The Chronicles

Notte Scura: Why not go were fashion sits? Check it all out here!

Looking to get powers? Want to build some vampire muscle or skill? Come to The Dojo, a place of teaching and training for the vampires of Ravenblack City.

There is a new group in town, but it is not for all you Vamps out here (there are enough of those popping up), It is for your Human. I figured it was about time my Human got out and socialized a bit with others of her kind, so hopefully some of you will take your Humans by for a chat sometime.

Not for the eyes of children: Have you ever come across a vampire named something like OneBigTesticle? Would you like to see that vampire taught a valuable lesson in respect? That is the aim of this group. We seek out vampires with offensive names and work together to put them out of our misery. ;) Check it all out here! Check out the sister site here!

Don’t like the Capadocious Clan? Want to show them they aren’t really in charge? Join the fight, be an assassin today! Interested?

Bloodbar - tavern for the vampires of ravenblack to relax, sip some blood wine..and be merry. Check it all out here!

Politically incorrect and proud of it: RBB Debate.

For insult free, non clan war roleplaying, join us at:RavenBlack Awakening.

For the older residents of the city, come and play at:RavenBlack Adults.Just about anything goes!

The Chill : Non-clan chat for Vampires!

Come to the Vampire Underground. It is where we can all be free. All are welcome.


Thieves Guild 1 - Aardvark and 4th

Thieves Guild 2 - Jackal and 82nd

Thieves Guild 3 - Bleak and 27th

Immolators Guild 1 - Kyanite and 76th

Immolators Guild 2 - Hessite and 99th

Immolators Guild 3 - Aardvark and 10th

Empaths Guild 1 - Walrus and 95th

Empaths Guild 2 - Unicorn and 19th

Empaths Guild 3 - Lead and 10th

Travellers Guild 1 - Commorant and 68th

Travellers Guild 2 - Octopus and 18th

Travellers Guild 3 - Nightingale and 31st

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