Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here
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Well well, what a surprise this is. How did a mortal like you manage to stumble upon my door? I must say stranger you are far from your homeworld. You have my sympathies for surely if you are not prepared your life will soon be ending. Nevertheless I bid you welcome, this is the Dark Realm. I implore you not to make haste with going through this gate, but rather listen to the warnings I give you. Every step you make, do it with caution, this realm is a place where mortals, such as yourself, should not venture. The darkest things imaginable lurk in this world. Everything that haunts your mind, every fear within your mortal soul dwells in this place. I cannot stop your curiosities and I cannot guarantee your safety, unless you happen to stumble into Laiyana Cleire. Alas, it is your human nature to dive head first into the unknown. Your need to quench the thirst of your curiosities will get the best of you I'm sure. If indeed you decide to go on a little escapade, I implore you to study this realm before you go out alone. This isn't called the Dark Realm for nothing you realize. I suggest equipping yourself with holy elementia and protection if I were you. At any rate Mephisto and I welcome you. Hm? Who am I? You will find out soon enough. Beware stranger, dangers await you here. Step through the gate if you dare....

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