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xXx B70oD 7u$T xXx

Sunday, 3 August 2003

xXx assinine people xXx
i found these online. note: i do not claim responsibility for them. i didn't research them.. i just found them. and posted them. that's it. lol.

In 1970, Russel T. Tansie, an Arizona lawyer filed a $100,000 damage lawsuit against God. The suit was filed on behalf of Mr. Tansie's secretary, Betty Penrose, who accused God of negligence in His power over the weather when He allowed a lightning bolt to strike her home. Ms. Penrose won the case when the defendant failed to appear in court. Whether or not she collected has not been recorded.

A lawyer defending a man accused of burglary tried this creative defense: "My client merely inserted his arm into the window and removed a few trifling articles. His arm is not himself, and I fail to see how you can punish the whole individual for an offense committed by his limb." "Well put," the judge replied. "Using your logic, I sentence the defendant's arm to one year's imprisonment. He can accompany it or not, as he chooses." The defendant smiled. With his lawyer's assistance he detached his artificial limb, laid it on the bench, and walked out.

A Texan convicted of robbery worked out a deal to pay $9600 in damages rather than serve a two-year prison sentence. For payment, he gave the court a forged check. He got his prison term back, plus eight more years

A judge in Louisville decided a jury went "a little bit too far" in recommending a sentence of 5,005 years for a man who was convicted of five robberies and a kidnapping. The judge reduced the sentence to 1,001 years.

Tyson Mitchell of Iowa City, Iowa walked into the police station, for some reason that nobody understands, and asked the dispatcher if he was wanted for any crimes. He was and was also arrested, on the spot. But wait! There's more! The police found several bags of cocaine in his pocket.

Sharks and rays are the only animals known to man that don't get cancer. Scientists believe this has something to do with the fact that they don't have bones, but cartilage

Human birth control pills work on gorillas.

Many sharks lay eggs, but hammerheads give birth to live babies that look like very small duplicates of their parents. Young hammerheads are usually born headfirst, with the tip of their hammer-shaped head folded backward to make them more streamlined for birth.

You can tell the sex of a horse by its teeth. Most males have 40, females have 36.

Crossing one's fingers is a way of secretly making the sign of the Cross. It was started by early Christians to ask for divine assistance without attracting the attention of pagans.

Posted by vamp/vampyreerotica at 3:01 AM CDT
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xXx bambaleo xXx
humm. today was a good day i suppose.

i got re-certified in adult cpr, child cpr, and infant cpr. i also got recertified in first aid basics too. lol.

joy. i don't think my first aid basics card was expired either. .::scratches head::. oh well. it couldn't hurt anyway. a nice refresher is always welcome.

what else.. they have a course i want to take. called "weapons of mass destruction" the instructor said that it wasn't what it sounds like. so then what is it? anywho.. i just like being certified in shit. it doesn't really matter what.

if knowledge is power, i aspire to be a god. .::smirks::.

while in the winn-dixie parking lot today, some woman drove through it at 60 mph. well.. every action has it consequences. she ended up driving right into a pole. she's alive and well... but her car isn't. the whole drivers side is compeletly mashed in. yikes.. the sound of metal and plastic mashing into one.. .::shivers::. reminds me mildly of my accident... .::shivers::.

i've been workin' on my neopets thingy too. as soon as i get the chance, i'm going to post links to everything. lol. my friend sent me some neopets stuff. i know that cost him a shitload of neopoints.. i can't thank him enough though. t'was really nice.

what else.. what else.. i have to email heidy back. i'm so mad at myself. i've been meaning to send her letter.. and i never got the chance yet. >.< she wants a picture of me.. LOL i hope she doesn't go blind.. anywho.. that's pretty much it.

yea.. that's it.

<----end transmission---->

Posted by vamp/vampyreerotica at 2:28 AM CDT
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