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~Kyuketsuki's Vampire Site~

I would like to hear your point of view on many things... for example What do you think about the fact that when a book is made into a movie many things are changed.... whouldn't you think that they (being the ones remaking it) would want to capture the book and potray it as exact as possable...? I know this all may seem to be sort of "unimportant" to some but to those of us who have read the books and seen the movies (not in that order exactally) find it to be somewhat disturbing to see/read that the character we have learned to love is in fact very different from what we have just watched/read about.....But of course I'm not saying one is better than the other... because of the differances I guess you could look at them as compleatly seprate creations... although there will be some simalarities...

~Below is a link to a gallery of vampire pictures~