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In character information about Unknown Soldier.


Marital status:Find me and simply ask.
Current Form:Human/Vampire.
Weapon of choice:Sword.
Occupation:Co-Owner/Head manager at 'The Prism', and looking for employees.
Qualities that don't attract me:Felines or canines that are taken, lesbian, slaves, slavers, or herm. Less than decent Role-Players.(Not using puntuation, capitals, or correct grammar while in character.)People who aren't often in character or have extents when it comes to Role-Playing.
Note:Always in charater unless using parenthesis or brackets.Note:If my posts seem short, I'm either busy or you don't interest me. Note:I constantly 'dumb down' my posts to a decent Role-Play level. Some of my better work is in my description.(See Below.) Note:I'm usually always willing to Role-Play, but my mood may determine my reactions.Note:I'm not a slaver.
Physical Description:Phosphorescent hues, left umbrageous, due to a scar. Apparatus resting 'pon his back, uncultivated usually. Perambulating, he deliberated on life amidst other things, tenement moving toward a stygian, beleaguered enclosure for isolation. Emotionally and physically snafued, he gave up on propensity, recognition, and alleviation. Raiment as of now consisted of ecru, and atramentous polychromasia. Cognizancing fangs, admissible shirt would be discernible, glabrous peritoneum exposed, slacks beneath.
(Note:'Markings change often'. Extended description, coming soon.)
Alot more information on the way.
See you soon for updates.