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Welcome to Bunny's Dream! Watch your step on the way in!

The spOOge list!

Hola Homies, welcome to my dream! and no, this intresting picture has nothing to do with my dreams, lol. I just thought it looked cool.(thank you daniel for sending it to me.) ~AnYwAyS~ this is my first time creating a home page.. HOLY SHIT!!, im like a homepage builder virgin! lol.. hah, anyways. I tried my best. So if you dont like it, its okay, Its your time you wasted at looking at my website! :D Well basically i thought the point for my website is to give me somthing to do, and to basically showing all my friends thank you soo much for bein here.. and im going to try and get pictures of you all, its gunna be hard.. but ill try.. you know me, ill just still them off your profiles if you got them up there.. Right now, i havent figured out how to get pictures on here yet.. but i will.. i promise you all that! To all my friends I love you all soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! this is not in any specific order.. Amy Gamble, Morgan Gillham, Robert fosset, Brian Bateman, Cara Stewart, Amber Wagner, Stephanie Mason, Amanda Maki, Chris Grieg, Sabrina Alexander, Chris Midget, Micheal Fuller, Anthony Cooper, Patricia Buffington, Ashley(not even going to try and spell your long ass last name.)V. Daniel Williams, Arthur (although you hate me, and were not on talking terms, but you've helped me out alot, and i have to give you credit) Jinkins, Chance Mcntyer (sorry if i spelled it wrong cheese), Andrew Miller, Andrew Burnettte, Jason Torres (too bad you moved back to N.Y), Ben Snyder, Jessica Rouse, Micheal Maupin, Jacob Larkin, Jacob Gibbson, Albert Johnson, Josh/johnny (whatever you go by now) griffen, and Matt Cape.. If i forgot to mention you Im sorry, but i was just naming everyone off the top of my head that i chill with..But the ones that im closest too are at the top.. Amy, Morgan, Chris, Mandy, Stepho, Amber, and sabrina.. You 7 are the only ones I truely trust with my heart. and everyone knows i have a huge trust issue.. ahah.. i wonder why.. *backstabber* anyways.. on with this page.. The Spooge list up there is my priorities in life.. friends, music and then me. Ive said ill i could about my friends, oh and by the way, Congrats on amy and chris M... good luck you too..Next on my list is music.. I love music! I mean, who doesnt? its the only thing that can really controll me when im by myself and in a not so good mood. Ive got over 200 cds. i collect them, yeah buddy.. My favorite group(s) are Staind, 3 doors down, GodSmack and Evenscence. but i listen to everything. from rock to country, from rap to classical.. everything.. but 9 times out of ten you'll most likely catch me listening to rock. I've been to three concerts, Jewel, Incubus, and 3 doors down. I loved all three of them, and i really want to go to more.. im like a groupie.. lol.. except without the whole sleeping with the band part.. IM NOT A WHORE! but on a lighter note.. i want to put my fuckin pictures up here, but i cant seem to get it right.. bastards.. uh im okay.. next subject is me.. Well all you need to know is that No one gets me.. Im probably the hardest person to understand, but its okay.. Im a loner.. I hate authority.. Ive done drugs, Ive get drunk alot, i party, im your typical teenager.. surprize surprize.. and lately ive been mad depressed for stupid shit, but i blacked out and when i woke up, i was fine again.. Ive been through some pretty tough relationships.. but who hasnt, ive forgiven him about breaking my heart *brian* but I will tell you know, what you did on the fourth of july, i will never let go.. You dont know how much that hurt me.. but anyways enought of that, im trying to forget all about it.. ummm.. Im 15, my birthdays in march.. Im a sophmore at Jacksonville HighSchool, I live in a marine base town, Camp Lejeune. uhhh, Im Joining th Airforce after highschool.. I hate my family, I hate my life, i Hate this town, but i love my friends.. and untill i actullly learn how to make websites, this one will do.. untill then homiez, and homettes, PeAcE OuT!!
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