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Stipulation » None
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Record » 0-0-0
WWCF Achievements » Movie Star Star


|[ Prologue ]|

The WWE fans have missed The Rock a hell of a lot since he took off to make his new movie however they are going to have to continue to miss the great one unless they turn over to watch WCF because The Rock has now decided to make the jump just like many of the other superstars have done leaving the WWE. Now it is the new era of the WCF and everyone is ready to kiss ass but how will The Rock behave in the WCF does he have a plan and has he made an alliances?

|[Scene 1]|

The arena doors are open and the fans are pumped up as the WCF has finally opened its doors after a month of hype. The fans rise to there feet and go crazy as The Rock is shown entering the arena.

The Rock is stopped as he walks towards the locker room area.

Jobber 1:

Excuse me Rock, But...

|**THE ROCK**| :

What in the blue hell do you think you are doing?

Jobber 1:

Its standard procedure Sir.

|**THE ROCK**| :

What is standard prodedure?

Jobber 1:

Everyone has to be searched as they enter the arena. We want to make sure that on the WCF's first night there there are no mistakes.

|**THE ROCK**| :

What is standard prodedure?

Jobber 1:

That everyone who enters the backstage area by order of the WCF board has to be searched to make sure that everything they are carrying is ok.

|**THE ROCK**| :

Excuse me? Are you telling me that you want to touch The Rock's body? You want to look inside The Rock's bag? I guess seen as it is your job I will let you.

The jabroni walks over and takes The Rock's bag and begins to look through it. The man then looks inside The Rock's vest and begins to check the rocks body.

|**THE ROCK**| :

WOAH! Your hands are getting too close to the peoples ass!

|**THE ROCK**| :

Now that is definetly to close to the strudel

The Rock pushes the man off of him.

|**THE ROCK**| :

You better stay the hell away from The Rock, Nobody and The Rock means nobody gets close to The Rock's body unless they are some gorgeous blonde like Stacy Keibler. Nobody gets a close to The Rock as you tried to be you sick freak now stay the hell away from The Rock.

The Rock gets up and storms away as the man looks like he is about to cry.

The Rock continues walking down the corridor and enters his locker room

|[Scene 2]|

The Fans have been hyped up ever since The Rock made his entrance into the WCF. But since he did The Rock has had many superstars visit him. The Rock is seen on the titantron sitting in his room playing the Guitar as he has been accustomed to do recently and his playing has improved a hell of a lot.

Suddenly The door opens and in walks Christian.


I thought it would be very cool for me to come in here and welcome you to the WCF and be the first to do so. From one peoples champion to another. I know that the peeps are sycked to finally have you here in the WCF. I never thought I would see the day but now you are finally here. Two peoples Champions in one arena.

|**THE ROCK**| :

Now don't tell me that you are comparing your smelly, disgusting, flabby, ugly, stupid carcuss to that off the beautifully defined Rock. Don't tell me that you are comparing your stupid blonde hair to The Rock's hair cut that he gets done three times a week. And dont tell The Rock that those people mean anything to you. Christian, The Rock knows that each and every night you see The Rock wrestle that you want to go out there and do exactly what The Rock did and that is whip some ass and you want to do the same. But the fact is Christian, You can't. The people may be following you Christian but all the people are just asses just like your a big ass who thinks he knows it all. Those people turned on me when I got to good for them. When I became such a big star they decided to call me a sell out because they thought that there was a good point to it. But the fact is Christian that those people have absolutely no idea what they hell they are talking about. Those people mean nothing.


Rock, You have taught me a hell of a lot since I got into this business. You are one if not the biggest star in wrestling today but its time for me to take over. Its time for the new generation to take over. Everyone knows that you are a big star Rock but the time has come for the new superstar of the night to take over. You are just the flavour of the month.

|**THE ROCK**| :

Flavour of the month huh? Well your moma didn't exactly stop using all those different flavas last night we used strawberry, bananna, chocolate even mint choc chip. Christian the think is you no nothing about the million and millions of WCF fans. You know nothing about what they want and you know nothing about what they want to see. You Christian cannot compare to The Rock and you Christian are never going to be as good as The Rock. Now before you go I want to tell you something and that is these new clothes of yours compare nothing to The Rock's leather pants. The Rock looks damn good and you just look like an ass.


Your wrong Rocky, The peeps know that this is the outfit to be wearing this year. While I am here I want to get your autograph because you are not going to be around for much longer so give it to me please.

|**THE ROCK**| :

The Rock will give you his autograph and The Rock will show you exactly what it means to be a superstar.

The Rock hands Christian his autograph and The Rock smiles as Christian takes it out of The Locker room.

A While later The Rock is sitting is walking around the backstage area when he is approched by Terri for an interview.

Terri Runnels:

Rock, I would like to ask you a few questions if that is possible.

|**THE ROCK**| :

You have some of The Rock's time but first The Rock needs you to know that there is no way he is going to eat your pie because Fish pie is not The Rock's thing.

Terri Runnels:

Whatever Rock, I am here with the newest WCF Superstar to sign a contract and that is The Rock! Now as many of you know The Rock has always been a fan favourite however recently The Rock has made many mistakes and the fans no longer believe in The Rock. Now as many of you know the WCF Tournament is to take place starting on Raw is War where the winner will go through and become the World Champion. However The Rock will not be involved as of yet in this tournment. Rock what are your thoughts?

|**THE ROCK**| :

Everything that The Rock has accomplished in his life has been about the fans but now it is time for The Rock to go out on his own. He is all grown up kids and is now going into the real world. The World Championship may mean a lot to some of those kids backstage who have not held the World Title or have not been at The top of The company but the fact of the matter is That Title means nothing. The Rock is bigger than that title. And all you ladies know it.

|**THE ROCK**| :

The Rock has done it all, The Rock has beaten Stone Cold Steve Austin at Wrestlemania, The Rock has been the Undisputed Champion. The Rock has gone toe to toe with The Big Show and The Rock has eaten more pie than most guys will have in there entire lives. Everytime The Rock walks out onto the street he gets bombarded by offers left right and centre from women wanting to prove why they are womanly enough to be with the biggest superstar in Sport Entertainment today. I can walk down the street and find the hottest girl and take her back to mine and she can eat some strudel just because I want to. All those people out there who think that they are all that and who think that they have the power to say what is good and what is bad and what is right and what is wrong only think they have the power because they are afraid to go out to the ring and fight. They are afraid to do what The Rock does each and every night. The Rock goes out there each and every night and puts everything into the fight each and everynight but then The Rock watches back and realises that anyone who wants to fight him really isn't good enough to fight him. People like Shawn Micheals and Stone Cold are not good enough to step into the ring with The Great one! The Rock is going to show exactly why the superstars of the WCF are nothing compared to him. The Rock is going to take on every single superstar and wrip right threw them and you know why? Because I can. Terri Runnels old lemon panties if I wanted to I could take you backstage right now and give you the best pleasure you will ever receive. I will kiss you right now if I wanted to. *Terri bites her lip* I could give you everything but I wouldn't because well lets face it you aren't as firm as you used to be. I can really tell that you are starting to mature and The Rock just into that soz babe. The WCF is not going to know exactly what it has been hit with until I destroy each and every superstar and prove why I have the biggest strudel and lets face it the prettiest face of all superstars. Nobody and The Rock means nobody is a high enough superstar on the roster to Smell What The Rock is cookin.

The Rock smirks as he walks away from Terri.

|[The End]|