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The Wonderful, Stupendous (and often Klutzy) Me!

Hey there! My name's Nicci (bt the way, I'm on the left!), and i'm 23, and live in North Carolina. I am an Elem. Education major with a German minor. There's not much to say about me, so here's the skinny.
I have a 35 year old boyfriend (Scott), who has 3 wounderful kids: Krysten, Lexi< and Britany. I spend most of my time hanging out with my friends, and role playing. I do on line role playing on the New Bremen site, which is the official White Wolf on line role playing chat. I also LARP (Live Action Role Playing), as well as play table top. I have run many table top games, and I have also been a Storyteller for a LARP. I also sing, and perform at my college, sticking mainly with the singing.

Go to the Next Page!
And now for the Third Page!
My unmoderated World of Darkness game's egroup
My first attempt at a World of Darkness Fan Fic
The game that started it all....
My Live Journal, although I don't post often, I do keep it updated
The Society for Creative Anacranism
My Bone Gnawer Kin Folk
My Glasswalker Garou
My Get of Fenris Kin Folk
My Shadow Lord Kin Folk
My Fianna Garou