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Chase's Practice Page


This is Chase's practice web page.

This page is to:

Hopefully, this extra practice will serve him well and with luck, soon he'll be designing web pages in no time. So far, he's learned to make both bulleted lists (also known as unordered lists), and numbered lists, which use numbers, letters, or roman numerals.

Hey!! I figured out how to make unordered lists better! Heheh, I was able to fix the tags that I messed up on. Go me! It's all trial and error... On to the Ordered lists.

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  4. Roman
  5. Numerals
  6. Are
  7. Fun! a little carried away. One more.
  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three

Well, that's all I'm going to do at the moment...I'm hungry, and I think I should learn more before I do more. I have experience on my side, though, because I've worked with computers for a long time and I've become quite adept at it!! Ciao, people! Thanks for letting me practice!

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Chase Hielbriad Force

Once I actually get enough practice, and am able to secure a web page, it's mainly going to be about my character, Chase H. Force. Let me introduce you to him. Chase is what I like to call an "Archmage". He's a blast from the past with a piss-poor attitude who'll turn your world upside down with a powerful blast of magick. He usually has silvery or platinum hair, which hangs down around his shoulders. His eyes vary in color. Depending on the character I'm creating at the time, his eyes can be anywhere from ice blue to a chilling silver. His size isn't what one would call imposing - he has a medium build, and only stands about 5'8" tall. Pretty average. It's the feel about him that's scary, though. Just being around him would give you chills, and his glare would probably make your heart stop. Be mindful, looks are decieving. Just because he doesn't look strong, doesn't mean he can't hold his own. Quite the astute fighter and with a bad temper, he won't hesitate to break somebody's nose for saying something he doesn't like.

This is what I believe Chase would look like, though more or less more human-looking.

More to come, people, as I advance further into the world of HTML.
Moving right along!

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To the Creator of the picture used here: Note that I greatly appreciate your effort. It's beautifully done. Also note that I'm not making any profit whatsoever off of it. Thank you for all of your time and effort.