Castle Library

This is a library that only exists in my mind, so far.

This is intended to be a library by the people, for the people. It's a specialized center of research for scholars and kids alike. I'm looking to get the help of people who have money because I personally don't have two million dollars stashed away under my mattress and I really want this to succeed.

Maybe I have megalomania but all I want is the best, most intricate library ever built by human hands. Every little bit helps, but first, a location needs to be selected. E-mail me with suggestions in any state, in any province, anywhere with trees and possibly mountains. You think I'm not serious? E-mail me and we'll start right now.

Until then, I'm going to come up with some articles about random topics that are made to make everyone feel better (including myself). Now I have a book finished and in the works. It's called, "Dignity is for Losers." If you ever see it in any store, buy it. Trust me, it's worth it. If you don't trust me, see for yourself.

Updated November 10, 2003

Other matters at hand

In hopes of the best library ever
The article of the Unemployed
Why don't some people think?
Wisdom of the Celebrity Gods
My friend's business, go here if you like.
The Best Page in the Universe, not my page
I will learn HTML, I swear to it!
