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Zenaida Rose

Experience Points:
Player Information
Player Name: Sunny Fox

MUN Handle: Sunny OOC

Player Email:

Player IM Information: purrfectkitten16

Character Information

Character Name: Zenaida Rose

Character Avatar (Please include URL of at least on picture): Nicole C. ((I haveth no idea what the C stands for...lmao.)

Wizard, Witch or Other?: Swan Knight aka Valkyrie

Character Home Page(if any):

Character's Familiar: N/a

Wand Info(optional): N/a

Main Trait (4d6): Innocence
Some may see innocence as a disadvantage; however, in
Zenaida's case, it consistantly proves
itself useful. Roughly 350 years old, Zenaida has
always been thought to be...naive. Stupid,
if people were to be honest. Finally coming into her own,
she is no longer stupid, or untrained.
However, she's been this way for so long, even the
Swan Knights' ability to detect falsehood can't
see that she's now hiding behind a mask of
innocence and child-like behavior, biding her time until
she can prove herself to her house, her Father, and her people.

Side Trait #1 (3d6): Familial love
Zenaida loves her blood-related family more than life
itself, and would die twice over to keep any
of them safe. Her mental prowess increases three-fold when it is put to use in keeping them happy
and healthy.

Side Trait #2 (3d6): Honesty
At times, it seems as if Zenaida has no inner
monologue. She will say everything she thinks to a
person's face, as if her thoughts and feelings were of
the utmost importance. Her blunt honesty has saved her tail
feathers many times, mostly because people are too shocked and amused
to slap her for being insolent.

Disadvantage/Flaw : Bravado
Zenaida often times becomes too focused on the task at
hand, blocking out any and all obstacles.
She convinces herself that there is no risk, when
really the situation can be quite dangerous. She has a sort
of reckless fearlessness which often times gets her in impossible

If it weren't for bad luck, Zenaida probably wouldn't
have any at all. It seems like things never go right
for her, and she is constantly winding up in trouble
she never even saw coming. It's like the girl picked
up a penny face-down 350 years ago and has been
suffering for it ever since.

List Learned Traits (if any):

Swan Knight Magic (4d6) : See Swan Knight info page :

Swan Knight Battle Magic
-vs. Mortals (7d6)
-vs other immortals / Swan Knights (6d6)
See Swan Knight Info page :

Rune Magic (4d6) : Again, see Swan Knight Info page :

Character Bio
(Please include House or School affiliation, occupation,
parents' names and whether they were muggle or wizarding
folk, and personal story.):
Zenaida is the blood daughter of the Johannsen and a
Swan Maiden, the biological sister of Sayen, Ander, and Kai.
Different from other natural born Swan Knights, Zen had a natural affinity
for the grace and the beauty, but not the warrior spirit
that her biological and house siblings seem to share. A quiet girl,
she lavished in the attentions of her blood-related siblings, requiring them for nearly
all aspects of life. It was as if Zenaida could not choose to take a breath
without instruction. She spent her hours pining away
in her little room, with her pretty baubles, books, and a heartbroken
love for her brother's best friend.

For 350 years, the people of House Johannsen have
looked at Zenaida with a sort of sympathetic pity -
a biological fluke. The child of the Johannsen, simple-
minded and kind, but hardly the sort to make a cygnet into a swan. However,
the Johannsen turned on Zenaida, sending her off on an impossible task, with secret
hopes of her not returning home alive. Although it took a bit of help, Zenaida
saw through her Father's plan, and, through the help of a Spellbinder,
became stronger, smarter, and better trained than her father really could have supposed.