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For My Family
With All My Love
They Are Forever
In The Arms Of Angels
Love Missy
??Baker?`????/title> <center><body background="2.jpg" bgcolor="#C5AFB1" link="#0000FF" vlink="#000099" bgproperties="fixed"> </center> <center> <P ALIGN=Center> <TABLE BORDER="3" CELLPADDING="1" bordercolor=#000000 ALIGN="Center"> <TR><TD> <TABLE BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="1" bordercolor=#CE6E18 ALIGN="Center"> <TR><TD> <TABLE BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="1" bordercolor= #000000 ALIGN="Center"> <TR><TD> <TABLE BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="1" bordercolor=#CE6E18 ALIGN="Center"> <TR><TD> <TABLE BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="1" bordercolor= #000000 ALIGN="Center"> <TR><TD> <img src="daddy1.jpg" </center></td></table> </center></td></table> </center></td></table> </center></td></table> </center></td></table> </center></td></table> </center></td></table> </center></td></table> </P> <P ALIGN=Center><html> <P ALIGN=Center> <body> <center> <center> <font face="Gatsby"><font size="4"> </center> <BR> If<BR> If tomorrow starts without me,<BR> When tomorrow starts without me,<BR> And I'm not there to see,<BR> If the sun should find Your eyes,<BR> Filled with tears for me,<BR> I wish so much You wouldnt cry,<BR> The way You did today,<BR> When thinking of the many things,<BR> We didnt get to say,<BR> I know how much You love Me,<BR> As much as I love You,<BR> And each time You think of Me,<BR> I know You'll miss Me too,<BR> But when tomorrow starts without me,<BR> Please try to understand,<BR> That and Angel came and called My name,<BR> And took Me by the hand,<BR> And said My place was ready,<BR> In Heaven far above,<BR> And that I would have to leave behind,<BR> All those that I dearly love.<BR> But as I turned to walk away,<BR> A tear fell from My eye,<BR> For all My life I always thought,<BR> I didnt want to die.<BR> I had so much to live for,<BR> So much left yet to do,<BR> It seemed impossible,<BR> That I was leaving You.<BR> I thought of all the yesterdays,<BR> The good ones and the bad,<BR> I thought of all the love We shared,<BR> And all the fun We had.<BR> If I could relive yesterday,<BR> Just even for a while,<BR> I'd say Good-Bye and kiss You,<BR> But then I fully realized,<BR> That this could never be,<BR> For emptiness and memories,<BR> Would take the place of Me.<BR> And when I thought of worldly things,<BR> I might miss come tomorrow,<BR> I thought of You and when I did,<BR> My heart was filled with sorrow.<BR> But when I walked through Heavens gates,<BR> I felt so much at home,<BR> When God looked down and smiled at Me,<BR> From His Golden Throne,<BR> He said,"This is Eternity,and all I <BR> promised You. Today Your life on earth<BR> Has passed, But life here starts anew. I promise<BR> No tomorrow, But today will always last,<BR> And since each day's the same way,<BR> There's no looking for the past,<BR> You've been so faithfull,<BR> So trusting and so true,<BR> Though there were same times,<BR> You did some things,<BR> You know You shouldnt do,<BR> But You Have been forgiven,<BR> And now at last Your free,<BR> So won't You come and take My<BR> Hand and share My life with Me?"<BR> So when tomorrow starts without Me,<BR> Don't think we're far apart,<BR> For everytime You think of Me,<BR> I'm right here in Your Heart.<BR> <CENTER> <OBJECT ID="MediaPlayer1" width=0 height=0 classid="CLSID:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95" codebase= ",1,52,701" standby="Loading Microsoft? Windows? Media Player components..." type="application/x-oleobject"> <PARAM NAME="FileName" VALUE="Arms.wav"> <PARAM NAME="animationatStart" VALUE="false"> <PARAM NAME="transparentatStart" VALUE="true"> <PARAM NAME="autoStart" VALUE="true"> <PARAM NAME="loop" VALUE="true"> <PARAM NAME="showControls" VALUE="false"> </OBJECT> <!-- END GENERIC ALL BROWSER FRIENDLY HTML FOR WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER --> <FORM NAME="myButtons"> <INPUT NAME="btnPlay" TYPE="Button" style="font-family:Tahoma; color:#E0BE88; font-size:8pt; background:#000000;" VALUE="Play" onclick="document.MediaPlayer1.Play();"> <INPUT NAME="btnPause" TYPE="Button" style="font-family:Tahoma; color:#E0BE88; font-size:8pt; background:#000000;" VALUE="Pause" onclick="document.MediaPlayer1.Pause();"> <INPUT NAME="btnStop" TYPE="Button" style="font-family:Tahoma; color:#E0BE88; font-size:8pt; background:#000000;" VALUE="Stop" onclick="document.MediaPlayer1.Stop();"> <pre><font face="Gatsby" color="#E0BE88"> ~.~ Arms of the Angel~.~ </p>