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yes you ARE wrong. but so am I.

this site will cover random things such as...:

a few places to check out..:

forums and text files on anything you could think of.
maddox rocks. thats all i have to say. but he is an ass too.
have fun when you are bored/stoned
read journals of cool people such as myself. maybe get one of your own as well. camping was special.
i got to use the hot tubs a lot, and the saunas. i got to go horseback riding, but that kinda sucked cuz i couldn't run the horse. oh well...i also got to make out with this one guy, that was fun. he's a good kisser too.

so if anyone decides to check out the link to up top there, i post as Nymphomaniac. just so you all know. not that you specifically care anyway.
well...ummm...that's all that is really interesting right now.
like i have said before, if you have any ideas for me to put up on this site, email me. the address is down at the bottom of the page. you never know, i just might listen to you.
