Passion for Destruction
« Dylan's Fanfiction »

Fire bad. Spike pretty.

"OK, Spike's a hero, and you're C.E.O. of Hell,
Incorporated. What freakin' bizarro world did I wake up in?"
-Cordelia, "You're Welcome" Season 5, AtS
"Poor Watcher. Whole life flash before your eyes?
Cuppa tea, cuppa tea, almost get shagged, cuppa tea?"
-Spike, "Bargaining, Part 1" Season 6, BtVS

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If you're not old enough, DON'T READ IT.

Personal Plea: If you read and enjoy a fic (by any author), PLEASE give comments! We writers CRAVE feedback like vampires crave blood. We're like junkies that way. It really means a lot to us, and it only takes you a couple of minutes to write. When it comes to feedback, the more detail you can give, the better ... but even one line of praise or thanks can mean a lot to a struggling author. 

Midnight in a Perfect World

The Best Laid Plans
Unfinished Business
Fic by Amber & Daquiri