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Disciplines are the supernatural powers all vampires posses to some degree or another, powers which separate them from mortals

Tzimisce Disciplines

Animalism-- Animalism allows empathy with and power over the animal world,
as well as the animal within, and embodies the Beast which lurks within the soul of every Cainite.
Those with Animalism can understand and soothe the passions of animals and control the actions of such creatures by touching the heart of the beast within them all.
Auspex-- This Discipline is one of extrasensory awareness, empathy and perception.
Vicissitude-- Vicissitude allows a vampire to transform the shape and composition of bodies, both their own and those of others.

Assamite Disciplines

Celerity-- This Discipline explains the superior quickness of a vampire.
Obfuscate--hiding, dissappearing from mind's eye.
Quietus--killing quitely

Brujah Disciplines

Celerity-- This Discipline explains the superior quickness of a vampire.
Potence--This Discipline defines the superior strength that vampires possess. This additional physical might allows great feats to be accomplished, far beyond what a normal mortal would be able to perform
Presence--Allows a Vampire to attract others to them

Followers of Set Disciplines

Obfuscate-- This Discipline allows a Vampire to be unnoticed by most, by hiding completely motionless in a shadow
Serpentis--This Discipline allows the vampire to paralyze anyone with whom she makes eye contact, for as long as eye contact is maintained.
Presence--Allows a Vampire to attract others to them

Gangrel Disciplines

Obfuscate-- This Discipline allows a Vampire to be unnoticed by most, by hiding completely motionless in a shadow
Animalism--This Discipline allows the vampire to communicate with animals by eye contact
Fortitude--A type of supernatural toughness and vigor which allows Kindred extra advantages in reisiting the harm to which their kind is especially vulnerable,like sunlight and fire.
Protean --Allows a Vampire to see in the dark,when using this power his eyes glow red.

Giovanni Disciplines

Dominate--With eye contact, the vampire may give a one-word command to a target. This command may only be one word, but it may be used with slight emphasis in a sentence, to hide it. This command is obeyed instantly, unless it is ambiguous, in which case temporary confusion ensues.
Necromancy--This Discipline allows the vampire to look into the eyes of a target no longer living, and see the last things they saw.
Potence--This Discipline defines the superior strength that vampires possess. This additional physical might allows great feats to be accomplished, far beyond what a normal mortal would be able to perform

Lasombra Disciplines

Dominate--With eye contact, the vampire may give a one-word command to a target. This command may only be one word, but it may be used with slight emphasis in a sentence, to hide it. This command is obeyed instantly, unless it is ambiguous, in which case temporary confusion ensues.
Obtenebration--This Discipline allows the vampire to manipulate shadows and dim light
Potence--This Discipline defines the superior strength that vampires possess. This additional physical might allows great feats to be accomplished, far beyond what a normal mortal would be able to perform

Malkavian Disciplines

Dominate--With eye contact, the vampire may give a one-word command to a target. This command may only be one word, but it may be used with slight emphasis in a sentence, to hide it. This command is obeyed instantly, unless it is ambiguous, in which case temporary confusion ensues.
Auspex--This Discipline allows the vampire to sharpen all of her senses.However, traumas caused by sensory overload ( very bright lights, loud noises, etc) while in this state last much longer
Obfuscate--This Discipline allows a vampire to be unnoticed by most, by hiding completely motionless in a shadow, or in a place that puts an object (not necessarily an object big enough to hide behind) between herself and others who might see her.

Nosferatu Disciplines

Animalism--This Discipline allows the vampire to communicate with animals by eye contact
Potence--This Discipline defines the superior strength that vampires possess. This additional physical might allows great feats to be accomplished, far beyond what a normal mortal would be able to perform
Obfuscate--This Discipline allows a vampire to be unnoticed by most, by hiding completely motionless in a shadow, or in a place that puts an object (not necessarily an object big enough to hide behind) between herself and others who might see her.

Ravnos Disciplines

Animalism--This Discipline allows the vampire to communicate with animals by eye contact
Chimerstry--Allows a Vampire to create a static illusion involving one sense. She must be able to sense it to be able to create it, or sustain it. If it is revealed to be an illusion, it disappears.
Fortitude--A type of supernatural toughness and vigor which allows Kindred extra advantages in reisiting the harm to which their kind is especially vulnerable.

Toreador Disciplines

Auspex--The vampire can sharpen any or all of her senses, at will, for as long as she wants. However, traumas caused by sensory overload (IE very bright lights, loud noises, etc) while in this state last much longer
Celerity-- This Discipline explains the superior quickness of a vampire
Presence--The vampire can make others attracted to her.

Tremere Disciplines

Auspex--The vampire can sharpen any or all of her senses, at will, for as long as she wants. However, traumas caused by sensory overload (IE very bright lights, loud noises, etc) while in this state last much longer
Dominate--With eye contact, the vampire may give a one-word command to a target. This command may only be one word, but it may be used with slight emphasis in a sentence, to hide it. This command is obeyed instantly, unless it is ambiguous, in which case temporary confusion ensues.
Thaumaturgy--Blood Magic

Ventrue Disciplines

Fortitude--A type of supernatural toughness and vigor which allows Kindred extra advantages in reisiting the harm to which their kind is especially vulnerable.
Dominate--With eye contact, the vampire may give a one-word command to a target. This command may only be one word, but it may be used with slight emphasis in a sentence, to hide it. This command is obeyed instantly, unless it is ambiguous, in which case temporary confusion ensues.
Presence--Allows a Vampire to attract others to them