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Monday, August 4, 2003
One new art today - a silly little wallpaper from the episode Restless. I think Buffy looks so cute in it. :) I tried using a filter I don't normally use, fresco, which I liked.
The other day I made a little collage of Spike and Dru and took lots of screenshots, as I intend to make a simple blending/effects tutorial out of it. I'm also thinking of doing a pen tool tutorial, as it seems like most people don't know how to use it. It's intimidating, that's for sure. I actually have written most of a PHP includes tutorial as well, and it's pretty in depth, not just cut 'n' paste. So, what I'm saying is eventually I'll have a tutorials section on this site! If you are familiar with the awesome tutorials at Tangled Synthesis, I'm going to strive for that level of quality. I'm not saying I'll reach it, because Vrya is a fan art and tutorial queen, but I'm going to try! If you aren't familiar with Tangled Synthesis, head over there right now because you're missing out!
- Julie

Monday, August 4, 2003
Well, I feel like I should be saying I'm not dead, but I guess it's only been a few days since my last post! Feels like much longer. I sort of lost the fan art muse for a little while, you know how it is. I'm wanting to do more now, but it's insanely late (I mean, crazy late - almost 5AM!) and I must go to bed or I will just die. Why did I stay up so late? I don't know. I've always been a night person, nocturnal almost. I used to work evenings and I'd get up at 2PM and stay up all night long. I like to see the sunrise, then go to bed! Well, in a perfect world. It just fits me. But ever since I moved to Winnipeg, I've been getting up at 8AM when my boyfriend goes to work and going to bed at a reasonable hour. Well, tomorrow (today) is a civic holiday so oh well! Why am I writing all of this? Partly because I'm tired and don't have the sense to stop, and partly because this page looks better more filled up with updates.
Speaking of updates, I have a new affiliate! It's Josh at and you must check out his site, he makes beautiful wallpapers that have amazing texture! Alas, I have no new art today, but tomorrow I'll get cracking on it. I'm up for some "Restless" walls, me thinks.
- Julie

Friday, August 1, 2003
I finished the Angel wallpaper, it's from a scene in the episode Expecting. You know, evil guy impregnates Cordy with demon spawn, Angel goes to gun club to confront him and his buddies, they shoot Angel, he vamps out and kicks ass. I love that scene. Anyway, I hope you like it, it didn't turn out quite how I wanted it to, but I think it's got a feeling of action or motion going on. Big thanks to Heather for the awesome screencaps!
I added some new icons too, as well as archived the July updates. This page looks so empty without them. Oh well! I mailed some very important immigration papers today, which made me a nervous wreck. I'm in have a cookie and watch Buffy mode in an attempt to shake the feeling, and I think it will work. I'm going to finish watching "Flooded," which I started last night. I love the scene where Anya is suggesting to Buffy she needs to charge for slaying. I'll have to make a wallpaper of that. Then I think I'll watch "Smashed" before going to bed. I'm in season 6 mode.
- Julie

Wanna go back in time?
July 2003
June 2003
May 2003
April 2003
March 2003