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While attending Hemery High School in Los Angeles, California,Buffy found out at the age of fifteen that she was much more than just a girl.She was the Slayer.The--One girl in all the world,a Chosen One,born with the strength and skill to hunt the vampires.--With this new knowledge,Buffy trained with her first Watcher,Merrick,and began discovering her new abilites.When Hank and Joyce divorced,Buffy and her mom moved to Sunnydale,which worked out well for Buffy.Thinking she could now leave her Slayer life behind her,But upon arriving at Sunnydale High,Buffy found that her Slaying days werent over.Rupert Giles,a British librarian.Buffy also gaining and coming across,Angel-an alley and a love intrest,a 240 yr old vampire with a soul-,Willow,Xander,Giles,Angel,Mrs Calendar,and Cordelia,she was able to bring down the Master.Than later on in the following season,She ran across,Spike,Dru,and Riley,with her duties of slaying every night,saving Sunnydale and the world from harm..--This page, is for Characters due to RP, Some on Buffy and some aren't, Buffy.The following, do RP in Buffy RPS...--Brand Ignatius, A demon and vampire.He once was Buffys love, after Angel.A love that ended before too long.He had returned once again, now back in SD, but how long? for good? or Buffy? for them?.-Angel, An old love of Buffys.A vampire with a soul..-Xander, An ex of Willow and Cordy, currently with Anya..-Giles. the mentor and watcher of Buffy and her gang..-Spike, A vampire with a chipp, bad at times and good at other times, helps with patroling and watching Dawn..-Dawn, Buffys little sister and the Key..-Tara, Willows true love..-Willow, bad mojo momma, and love of Tara..-Anya, Xanders girlfriend and ex vengence demon..-Andrew, one of the trios with Warren and Johnathon..-Harmony, Spike's ex, A vampire with a spunky attitude..-Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!