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Sura was born to the Steelsong family in Kantor, She has a younger brother Largo and a younger twin sister Ana. Her parents are the ruling family of Kantor, in the human realm it would be sort of like a king and queen.

Sura and Stormdale were born for each other, literally. Each one the firstborn of a ruling family, their prearranged marriage meant to unit two clans into one. To strengthen bonds between the two people. The children were to grow up together, hopefully, to become fast friends and true loves. However, this was not to be. At least not in the way most would expect it to happens. At a time when Sura and Stormdale were toddlers, not long from the egg, an invading clan tried to overtake the land of Kantor and its sister lands. The fighting was fierce and there was some concern as to whether the invaders could be beaten back. It was during one of these particularly bleak times that the children's parents decided to something that would change their lives forever.

The parents of both children sent for a group of mercenaries. Believing these men work for the right pay, they paid them to take their children from the fighting and to keep them safe till the war ended. What they did not realize, not having much contact with the human race, was these men loved money more than fulfilling contracts.

The children were bundled off with a large cache of gold to support them while they were gone. Needless to say, it did not take the mercenaries long to realize if they dumped the children and disappeared with the gold, they would be that much richer with little work. The children found themselves dumped in the bustling city of New Thalos. Confused and scared they wandered the streets will they were found by another drake who had been adopted by a local human woman. He took them to her and she took these two under her wing so to speak. Life went well for the little drakes. They grew up in a happy home, Sura developing an absolute fetish for silk. There could be nothing of silk within 10 miles and she would find it and horde it away. While they grew up Sura fell in love with Stormdale and soon as they were able to be, they were wed. It was a beautiful wedding but alas not one to last. Before long, troubles rent their happy marriage, not ones sura would ever speak of, but there were whispers of treachery and lies.

The day the couple split sura ran from the city crying, wanting only to find solace within the quiet of the woods.   She ran till exhaustion claimed her and   she fell beneath a large tree where she cried herself to sleep. What happened next she may never know. She knows only that she awoke, it was daylight and she was in a lot of pain. She started back to town but   as she walked she found the very sunlight burnt her flesh.

She was able to make it to the city and she stumbles into the first place she could find, The Dancing Deamon Inn. The man who found her there, Camtire Dragonetti was able to piece together the information she gave him and came to the conclusion that she had been turned while she slept. Why and who did it, no one knows. After helping her heal he and his then-wife Janessa adopted Sura. It took Sura a long time to come to accept her new life, it was just not within her ability to harm others, drinking blood was not something she wanted to do.

As it turned out however Camtire was what was known as a Volendrian. This race of people is similar in most ways to Vampires but they tend to be good, they drink from a blood fruit rather than the blood of people. Camire was able to use the powers of his race to turn Sura from full Vampire to Volendrian. This helped her to be able to accept herself.

After a time she meant a vampire by the name of Gilgamesh whom, much to her surprise, she fell for. They were soon wed and she again had a reason to live. Gilgamesh was unbeknown to them at the time, possessed by a demon of his past. A demon that loved nothing more than to kill as man people as possible. The demon was not only a threat to those around them, it was a threat to her husband's own life. She made a one last-ditch effort to save him. She locked them within a room and forced the demon's hand. After a long and drawn-out battle, the demon was captured within a soul gem but not before he stole the one thing she could still call her own, her form. He turned her to humanoid form!

Sura was devastated about losing her drake form but was happy that her husband was safe and hers once again, the demon captured safely within the soul gem. A while later, sura became pregnant with twins and wishing to celebrate the good news with her husband, she decides to give him a gift, the soul gem made into a ring. This, it turned out, was a very bad idea. As the ring was being made the gem cracked and the demon escaped, disappearing into seemingly nothingness...but it had actually entered the unborn child she carried.

Sura had the child, just one as it turns out, the demon child she carried had made its first kill, within her womb. Under the spell of the demon child, she fled her home, her family, and her husband believing that they would harm the child. She spent the first 10 years of the child's life moving from place to place trying to keep ahead of the law when the killings became too much. It was around the chi ld's 10th birthday that she was found and convinced to come home. a promise made that the child would not be harmed.

Upon returning home, she found that her husband had not waited for her. He had given up on her wedding vows and found another. This news devastated her. She took the news hard and tried to end her own life. If not for Mattimeo Aquatos she likely would have done it too. He was able to protect her, calling in her adoptive father who sent her off to a place that she would be safe till she could be more mentally stable.

It took a long time for this to happen but eventually she was able to come home, swearing to never marry again. She raised her son, eventually adopting a second, volendrian child, Karessa. Life was pretty quiet for her from then on.   As it turns out she fell in love another time, this time to an elder son of her adoptive father. His name was Vincent. And much to the displeasure of Camtire (They were after all brother and sister, by adoption, if not by blood), they wed.