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I will talk about my favorite skate teams on this page, it is not full at the moment.This is Girl Skateboards.

Girl Skateboards, one of the greatest teams that pro skating has to offer, girl has a huge team with a variety of skaters ranging from rick mc'rank, Brandon beible, and eric koston. The Team has a wide assortment of produccts available to all in small skateshops spread across america, and available on the world wide web as well.They released a video that was a bit joined with the chocolate team, The video was title ea Right, and everyone who had a part pulled it off great, except koston, his part was orrible, and the song was annoying.It was a whole new approac because they introduced computer animation and such into making skate videos, they had their decks dissapear due topaining them green and editinig them out on t he computer, it was pretty cool, their products are also good, light decks pretty stablle seems reliable. all in all, a good team.

Team Rating=8/10


Zero Skateboards is an amazing skate team put togeter by none oher then Jamie Thomas, the man who came closest to conquering the leap of faith, he did not land it he broak his deck, ir epeat he DID NOT land it, now that we cleared up that little mess, the team has a bunch of skaters that realy love what they do, and they do it good at that, with team members like Jamie Thomas, Chris Cole Jon Allie, and tommy Sandoval, the team isdestined to put out even more amazing videos in the future. Their past video "Dying to Live" was good but not one of the best iv seen, it could h ave been better if they took more time to it, they have a video in the process, but all information on it now is disclosed, it will most likely be an amazing video, or atleast, i hope so. Zero also has a wide variety of products tht can also be prchased anywherre in the US and online, ther decks are excellen very light, and stable as can be, a very trust worthy deck brand, that combinds weight with stability.
____________________________________________________________________________________________Team Rating 9.0/10
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©2005 Joe & Kev