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Though her story is long she attempts to put pen to paper..opening her journal to begin her musing....

May 17, 1993...
Dearest Journal..
My life has again taken a new twist, I've stumbled into what seems like a new place to call home. I'm not sure how long I'll stay but the atmosphere seems abiding to shall I say my special needs. I've met my sister and adopted yet another. Sahyber and I will again cause mayhem and mischief as in days of old. Perhaps Vampire Inn will be the place where we will eventually find our happiness.

December 23,1997...
Dearest Journal..
Aside from the numerous marriages and drama in the lives of the two of us we go on. Though our travels take us places that were not forseen we eventually find our way back to the place where it all began. Mayhap this place is our destiny. The prospect is a bit quelling.

February 14,2003...
Again Dear Journal...
The remains of our home are nothing but ashes tossed to the winds of past sins and pain. We've moved yet again to what may be another adventure in itself. We shall see, among our frinds..Skylar and Inno we'll see what mischief and joy we can find in the new establishment and town that calls Devins Inn home.
