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Maze's Mind Games

Business Owner

Alexandria Maze

Area: Industry Type: Tattoo Palor/Piercing Shop/Art Gallery Tattooist:Alexandria Maze Description: Open 9pm to 3am usually. Not been that open lately. Quiet place where just about anyone can come to buy a Maze work of art or get a tattoo done by Maze herself. It's not a rich business, but it is known for its wonderful artwork on the walls and the perfect tattooes that are done. Security system installed. Place to sleep above it. Walk in and the place is sort of like a mini maze by the enterance. All along the walls of the mini maze are painting drawn by Alex. Some even done in black lit paint so that it glows and those not done this way are lit with spot lits. Upon exiting the maze there is a desk where she sits and either takes appts, helping ppl pick out tattoes, or sitting reading a good book on the slow days.There are two bathrooms right off to the left of the desk/waiting area. Has a cleaning crew come in once a week to do the floors, bathrooms, walls and windows. Behind the desk is a long wall with a door that leads to the palor itself. Every piece of equipment in the place is clean and sterilized. She does that herself before she closes down for the night. Upstairs is a place where Alex can sleep if she is too tired to go home. Black windows, bed, tv, security monitor, painting room and phone in the upstairs room.