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Vamp Email Signatures

Hello, and welcome to the home of my email sig site. Right now, I'm still getting things together, picking the images I want to use, finding the right backgrounds and bars, and now I have a handful of signatures to offer you.

I hope to display signatures featuring the artwork of such people as Joseph Linsner, Luis Royo, Jean-Paul Avisse, Jennifer Janesko, Oliva, Thomas Kinkade and goddess only knows what others.

Attention MSN TV Users: I have recently started an online potition to try to gain better Customer Service for MSN TV users. If you are an MSN TV user, and have had problems with Customer Service, then I urge you to take a look at my potiton and sign it.

Online Potition

So why don't you check out my
Dawn Signatures.

In the meantime, if you know of an artist you'd like seen added to my list, please email me at the link below.

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