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GAR's Website!

My hobbies!

Web sites, that are good and helpful.

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Web Building Help for Anglefire
Angelfire HTML Library
The passport to middle earth!
GameFAQs for all your gaming needs
The board I claimed on GameFAQs
From this web site you can get to the rest of Seventh Sanctum
Go here to see bloody weapons(not that graphic)
Awesome site!

Hey, send me an e-mail if you wish. As you can see I like a lot of cool stuff. I am working on my web page so more will come soon! If you think of a cell as a small country, the nucleus is a dictator, not a president because the nucleus controls everything in a cell. Whatever the nucleus wants, the cell has to do it. It is about five micrometers long in diameter, and oval shaped. It is surrounded by two membranes that form a nucleur envelope. This serves as a wall between messages and signals sent in and out of the nucleus. Most of the cell’s genes are located in the nucleus, it contains DNA, RNA, a nucleoplasm, and a nucleolus. The nucleus does three basic things, it directs cellular reproductions (when two cells split apart), directs the development of metabolic activities, and it acts as a storehouse of biochemical information. The two main parts of the nucleus are the nucleoplasm and the nucleolus. The nucleolus is a usually visible in a dark, round spot in the nucleus. It helps the formation of ribbonsomes. It is also made of RNA.
