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Yea this is pretty dull....i plan on eventually converting to an all HTML site so i can have more creative control but my time is limited rite now so this will suffice...

Jus to get some words heres a lil sum up of me: Pepl who are tightest with me see me as i really am: totally crazy, random, sarcastic, an always laffin or teasin my buds, rebellious, opposes authority, agumentative, quick to hold grudges, slow to trust, loves to love but cautious about it....but once u have my love it might fade but it never disappears, im a hard ass with a sensative side......i kno how to be sweet and gentle and polite wen need be, but dont let it fool ya babe no heroine.

Im me if ya wanan talk more: shortygrlHK or xkissmemadx

Hott Hair

Pics from Military Ball '04

My Spots
