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Elin O'Hara's Noteworthy Links




thwart tyranny and
ignorant politicians!
(see left)

Patriot act resources
 for librarians


Why People Should Worship Librarians (who else would understand the significance of the quote at right?)

Cat ownership is a prerequisite for librarianship.  See right for library inside jokes.

Jokes Best Appreciated
 by Librarians

 Understanding Islam: We are all People of the Book 
(Islamic Studies was my undergraduate concentration.)



 Ward Off The Perils of Travel!  Consult the State department! 
(Perils don't usually include close encounters with Gibraltarian Apes.)

 A portal to virtually every Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel website of any importance. (Those of you who know me know how seriously I take all things Buffy-related.)


 Giles the librarian and Buffy

  The Coolest Imaginary
Librarian Ever!



The Scooby Gang 

 FX Network's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Episode Guide (in case you missed a favorite rerun.)  Horrors!

 Are you a
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Addict?
Take a test for the truly obsessed.


Spike and Buffy:
The Penultimate Vampire/Slayer Couple