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Sasha Luna

Sasha Luna

Eighteen-year-old Sasha Luna is the last direct descendant of Julian Luna's human family, being his great-great-grandaughter. She is also a rebelious one, defying convention, riding motorcycles, running against family tradition, and her one family relationship was with her grandfather, Julian Luna's grandson. When her grandfather finally dies, she believes she is most alone in the world. But that is not quite so.

Although somewhat amused with Sasha's tough-talking claim of independence, Julian recognizes a lost soul. Acting as a distant uncle, he seeks to form a family bond with her. Initially, Sasha will have nothing of it, until Uncle Julian bails her out of jail and gives her a safe place to live in his house with Lillie. Even then, she claims the arrangement to be temporary until Cash, a Gangrel, moves onto the compound to become Julian's bodyguard; Sasha then finds a reason to stay for a while.

But Julian has to protect Sasha from more than herself and her passionate nature. He must insulate her from his kind, from Kindred. Eventually, Julian cannot keep her from meeting Kindred and forming friendships. As she meets Lillie, Cash, Archon, and others, Sasha senses that there is something different about them. She senses that Julian is important in some way in some society that she can't define.

It is with the violence of a single moment that shatters her innocence of Kindred, plunging her deep into their world. Against the wishes of her uncle, Sasha had taken Cash as her lover, and they met in secret, but one of Julian's enemies knew where, and in an act against the Prince, the Brujah forcibly embraced Sasha, driving a blood wedge between her and her uncle, between her and her lover. It was then that she knew who and what her uncle was, learning of his power and his place in this hidden society.

Her first act was to rebel. If Sasha was fiery and combative when she was human, she became even more so as Kindred. She loves Cash, yet her blood hates him. She loves her uncle yet is angry for his deceit and his unwillingness to bring her into his world. Her one connection to her emotions and the turmoil is Lillie.

Sasha is ripe for chaos.

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