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Omni Inc



Omini Inc is a weapons and ammunitions manufacturer, run by CEO Thomas Dunlevy.



Michelle Juliani personal assistant to Thomas Dunlevy



Trina Austin communications specialist for Omni Inc



Lex Adams computer expert for Omni Inc



Alexander de'Ath Head of Operations Anti-Psychic/Precognition



Beth Griffen Weapons Specialist



Trevor Sadow Operations



Darnel Betzalel Operations Psycoportation/Psychic Vampire



Delgado D'Amilla Operations Medium




Omni Inc is a front for paranormal research backed by the Arcanum. The Arcanum is divided into Chapter Houses, with the main house in London. It is here that the central library, called Axis Mundi of the Arcanum, resides. Heads of offices are largely honorary rather than administrative. Due to the massive funds contributed by the Founders, coupled with investments, the members of the Arcanum are largely able to make their membership their sole source of income. They are each paid a gratuity and offered room and board at their House of membership, although some members still keep their positions in society. This is all in return for additions to the Libraries, either from the member's own researchers or the presenting of books to those Libraries. This group has gathered together an amazing amount of Occult Lore in every subject imaginable. Membership is by invitation only, and a current member must sponser the entry of new applicants.

Chapter Houses have been set up all over the far flung corners of the earth. Beyond a common interest in knowledge, these scholars vary immensly in type. Many specialize in all kinds of different areas of knowledge. Curiosity is the motive of the Arcanum. Only the newest and youngest members actually desire to get involved with the hunting of the Kindred for their destruction. They do actively seek to interview anyone who has witnessed occult or supernatural events. They have a vast body of information on the Kindred, but not all their information is accurate. Mostly due to lack of experience and testing in the field. Many myths and false legends have sprung up along with the accurate information gleaned by the Arcanum. Younger members believe that a more active investigation should take place. The older members believe that would destroy their reputation of objectivity and noninvolvement, which some insist to be the reason they have not been the object of Kindred attacks.

No Kindred wish the Arcanum to amass knowledge about them. Their mystery is important to the Masquerade, and Arcanum libraries are a great risk to it. They succeeded in burning down the Boston chapter's library, but rather than helping, this made the Arcanum extremely suspicious and the security measures they now institute ensure that only members have access to the libraries. The Arcanum has recently instituted routine blood tests for all members to prevent a Ghoul from entering their ranks. Most Kindred are content to let this go, as they fear younger members will actively seek them out. Only the Tremere, with their understanding of Thaumaturgy, have been able to fool the blood tests and sneak ghouls into the Arcanum's ranks. But they have no interest in burning down an institute of learning. The Tremere seek to learn as well, and having access to the Arcanum's libraries is more important to them than worrying about the Masquerade. Though they would not admit this to their fellow Kindred.



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Justin Stefani II Lead Paranormal Advisor



Michael Dubois



Lemiah Corbeau Telekentic



Raphael Blakeley Doctor Phychic Healing



Tim Vornamin (Wiccan Witch) Spells and Incantations



Cyrus Bane Pyrokenetic



Manuel Medina (touch sensitive)Psychometry



Tina Vasquez Herbs and Poisons



Christophe Renaud(Hougan)Voodoo



Ruxandra Donici Seer



Merie Maxwell Premonitions



Ansely Blue Languages.



Armani Hamrick(medium)Spirits



Lisa Channing Possession



Samantha Bunce Telepathy: Psychiatrist for the House



Byron Forbes Animal Psionics



Information taken from:

The Hunter Hunted by White Wolf
