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The Show > Episode Guide> Buffy Season Two Episode Guide

Buffy Season Two Episode Guide

When She Was Bad

Buffy's got a new, not-so-nice attitude; the Anointed One plans to resurrect the Master.

Buffy returns from her stay with her father in LA. The next day at school she seems to be different, even Cordelia noticed. Giles' suggests that she still hasn't confronted the fact that she could have been killed by the Master. The Anointed One still lives and him and his followers decide to resurrect The Master. The Anointed One's followers have kidnapped Jenny Calender and Cordelia. Giles thinks they are looking for the people who were physically close to The Master when he dies, as he says this a group of vampires surround them in the library...

Date aired: 9-15-1997

Some Assembly Required

Someone is building a woman using body parts from different girls — and Cordelia's head is on the wish list

. While Buffy is in the cemetery waiting for a new born vampire to wake up, Angel comes along, and they argue. The vampire wakes up, and they fight. Walking away Buffy falls into an open grave, but the body was dug out and taken away. In school, Chris, begins taking photos of Willow, Cordelia and Buffy, apparently for the yearbook. After some research they find out that the missing dead body is Meredith, a cheerleader. But in the accident which this cheerleader died, two other went with her, Buffy, Xander, Giles and Willow go along to see if the bodies are still there. After cheerleading practice Cordelia thinks she's being followed and hides in a trash bin, Angel finds her and as she was getting out of the bin she finds a human hand. And it seems Chris and Eric's science project needs a book called Gray's Anatomy...

Date aired: 9-22-1997

School Hard

Spike and Drusilla come to town, and Spike invades Parent-Teacher night.

Parent Teacher night is fast approaching and as a punishment for Sunnydale High's most unruly students, Buffy Summers and Sheila, have to prepare everything for that night. Two new vampires breeze into town, Spike and Drusilla. Spike offers to kill the slayer on the night of St. Vigeous, which is extremely close to Parent Teacher night. Buffy is to caught up to be training for the Night of St. Vigeous, also because Sheila tends to be a no show in the helping department. On Parent Teacher night Buffy tries to keep her mum away from Principal Snyder, but this gets harder when Spike couldn't wait and makes a guest appearance...

Date aired: 9-29-1997

Inca Mummy Girl

Buffy and Joyce offer to take in a foreign exchange student, but instead get a life-sucking mummy who's taken an interest in Xander.

Sunnydale High is holding it's annual Cultural Exchange program. Buffy, Willow and Xander have been signed up for it. While they are at the museum they see an Incan Mummy Girl holding a plate which acts as a seal, to keep her there. Upon leaving idiot Rodney tries to take the seal, but it breaks, and the Mummy reaches up and kisses Rodney. The Scooby gang think it worrying that Rodney wasn't on the bus back to school, they go to investigate at the museum to find the Mummy there, but wearing's Rodney and there's a Mummy loose. Buffy goes to pick up her exchange, but it's not a he it's a she. Xander is instantly attracted to her. Xander and Ampatta, Buffy's exchange, get on really well, Willow seems jealous. Unknown to Buffy, Ampatta has killed her real exchange with a deadly mummifying kiss...

Date aired: 10-06-1997

Reptile Boy

Buffy accompanies Cordelia to a frat party, but it's not much fun — they're offered as sacrifices to a reptilian demon.

Cordelia has met some college boys and has been invited to a Fraternity party. The two college boys are outside Sunnydale High School in their car and Cordelia's trying to impress them, while one gets impressed by a standing Buffy. Cordelia invites Buffy to go along to the Fraternity Party, and Buffy agrees. At the party they are both drugged and chained, they are to be sacrificed to Machida...

Date aired: 10-13-1997


Someone from Giles' past wreaks havoc on Halloween, causing Buffy and the gang to be transformed into their costumes.

It's Halloween and Sunnydale High needs volunteers to help the little Sunnydale people trick or treat on the night. Xander, Buffy and willow are "volunteered" by Principal Snyder. Buffy chose a lavish ball gown from the 18th century, Xander went all army guy, and Willow settled for ghost. All three bought their costumes from Ethan's. But on the night the costumes were more than that, they turned the people into their costumes. Little devils were running loose, and Spike took this as an advantage to get the Slayer. Buffy is a harmless girl now, the only people who remember who they are ,are Cordelia and Willow, but Willow's more see through. It turns out that the costumes from Ethan's are the hexed ones, and Ethan is an old buddy of Giles.'

Date aired: 10-27-1997

Lie To Me

Buffy's childhood crush comes to town, but he's not looking to reminisce — he's looking for immortality as a vampire.

One of Buffy's long ago friends has transferred to Sunnydale High for the final years, Billy Fordham, or Ford as Buffy calls him. Angel's vampiric senses tell him that something is wrong about Ford, and asks Willow to investigate. They find out that he hasn't enrolled at Sunnydale High at the only address available is for a club, The Sunset Club. Willow, Xander and Angel go along to this club to find out that it worships vampires. While Buffy and Ford are out for the grand tour of Sunnydale, back at school, they encounter two vampires. Buffy slays one and Ford says he slew the other. But while in the library with Giles and Jenny the vampire which Ford said he slew took one of Giles' books and ran. Ford is at Spike's making a deal, he gets turned into a vampire and he gets the slayer...

Date aired: 11-03-1997

The Dark Age

Ethan returns and Ms. Calendar is in danger when a demon from Giles' darker days comes to Sunnydale.

A man is wondering through Sunnydale campus looking for Giles but gets stopped by some hideous looking woman, who after attacking him disintegrates. The next day some cops are waiting for Giles in the library, he has to go to the morgue to identify the dead man, it was Philip Henry, an old friend of Giles'. He had a mark on his arm, a tattoo.

Buffy's slightly worried and visits him to find him ever so slightly drunk and overall looking awful. Giles' phones around to find out that another one of his school friends is dead, Dierdre Page. On a list which Giles has there are tow more names left on it; Ethan Rayne and himself. The marks which all of the people have is the mark of Eyghon. Eyghon is a demon which Giles and his buddies conjured up to give them a high, but it seems to be doing more than that...

Date aired: 11-10-1997

What's My Line (Part I)

As the gang endures career week, Spike sends assassins after Buffy and sets out to cure Drusilla; a new Slayer comes to town.

Career Week at Sunnydale High. Her destiny as a slayer doesn't really allow her to have a normal life. While patrolling Buffy sees Dalton stealing something from a Mausoleum. Fights off another vampire, in the mean time Dalton vanishes. Dalton stole something for Spike. Giles is worried about this and him and Buffy go and investigate. The tomb is that of Josephus Du Lac. Dalton stole a book of spells, and evil book of spells. Drusilla and Spike think that it's time that they brought in the big guns and summon the Order of Teraka. Assassins who never stop.

Three strangers are seen in Sunnydale, a door-to-door salesmen who turns into worms. A rather rough looking guy walking off a bus and a black young girl who knock an airport staff man as she exited the hold on a plane. At the skate-date Angel and Buffy are met with the rough looking guy. Who has his throat cut. The black girl was watching. When Angel was trying to find out more of the Order of Teraka at Willy's bar he encounters the black lady. They fight and Angel's is trapped in a fenced area, with the sun rising soon. At Angel's, where Buffy is hiding out, she too encounters the black lady, they fight. During a pause she reveals herself and says, "I am Kendra, the vampire slayer." Buffy gawps in awe.

Date aired: 11-17-1997

What's My Line (Part II)

Buffy must team up with Kendra to save Angel when it turns out that his death is necessary to cure Drusilla.

After a meeting with Giles, Buffy, Kendra and Willow they realize that Kendra was called after Buffy was dead for that brief moment of time. Angel gets rescued by Willy, but gets taken to Spike. Angel is needed for the ritual. Meanwhile Xander and Cordelia go in search of Buffy at her house. Xander "breaks in" and searches the house, the door-to-door salesman gets invited in by Cordelia looking for his free sample. When Xander comes back down the stairs he breaks up into his little friends.

A fight breaks out at the career fair, one of the cops who was meant to have a stall at the career fair turns out to be with the Order of Teraka. She shoots her gun and hits Oz in the arm. Giles finds out more about the book which was stolen. It contains a spell to restore Drusilla to her full strength. But it needs her sire, Angel and the ritual will kill Angel. Kendra and Buffy go to Willy to see if they get bash any info out of him. Kendra leaves, love has blinded Buffy. Willy takes Buffy to the right church. But Kendra leaving Buffy was only a trick, they needed a way to find the right church, Kendra tracked Buffy. In come the gang to help. Angel and Drusilla are at the altar and Angel looks as if he is becoming increasingly weak. Both slayers fend off Spike and the assassins. Buffy grabs Angel and frees him, and she hurls the censer from the altar which brings the church down with Spike and Drusilla in it.

Date aired: 11-24-1997


Everyone except Buffy loves Joyce's new beau, who turns out to be more than meets the eye

. Joyce has a new boyfriend whom she met at the gallery, called Ted. Xander and Willow have an immediate liking towards him. Buffy finds his peppiness a bit strange. When Joyce and the others came over he suddenly asked, "Anyone for cookies?". Being a tad suspicious Buffy goes to Ted's work place. His nick name is "The Machine". He gets the more sales than anyone else. One night Buffy sneaks out to go on patrol. When she gets back Ted is sitting in her room reading her diary. Buffy gets angry, a fight starts by Ted throwing a punch. Buffy uses her full strength, Ted gets knocked down the stairs and is dead. The next night Ted returns...

Date aired: 12-08-1997

Bad Eggs

The gang must adopt eggs as "babies" for their Health class, but there's more than yolk inside these eggs.

While at the mall Buffy fights with a cowboy vampire with a western accent. This is the first half of the Gorch Brothers. With a little research Giles reveals that Lyle and Techtor Gorch are vampire brothers who killed a whole Mexican village, before they became vampires. While in class they are learning about the responsibility of children by being given eggs. Buffy's the single parent. During the night the eggs hatch and a tentacle emerges from within and goes into Buffy's ear. The next morning both Willow and Buffy are feeling sluggish and Mr. Whitmore has disappeared. After returning from patrolling Buffy sees her egg hatch the next night. Buffy phones Willow to see if she is okay, Willow says yes, but in fact he egg has already hatched and Willow knows it...

Date aired: 1-12-1998


Drusilla reassembles the Judge, an unstoppable demon; Buffy and Angel consummate their relationship.

The gang are planning a surprise party for Buffy at The Bronze. Meanwhile Jenny is visited by her uncle, and her true identity is revealed. She is a gypsy and was sent here to merely watch if Angel still suffers. At the Bronze the gang are waiting for Buffy's arrival, which she does in dramatic style crashing through the window. She arrives with Jenny and the vampires had a box with an arm in it.

Angel says it's the Judge, a part of him. He was use to wipe out humanity. His parts were scattered throughout the world and Spike and Drusilla were bringing the parts together to reassemble the Judge. Angel volunteers to take the box as far away as possible, immediately. Buffy and Angel depart at the docks, only to be ambushed by vampires who take the box. Buffy and Angel find where Spike and Drusilla are hiding, but find out that The Judge is already assembled. Buffy and Angel are caught and about to be burned by The Judge, they escape into the sewer tunnels. They seek refuge at Angel's place. Where they then make love. Suddenly Angel wakes up, stumbles into the streets and begins be continued

Date aired: 1-19-1998

Innocence Angel loses his soul and his demon self takes over; Buffy must deal with him and stop the Judge.

Angelus is back. Buffy reports back that the Judge is assembled, and Angel has disappeared. Angelus returns to Spike and Drusilla. Angelus is set out to destroy Buffy, not physically, emotionally. Buffy looks for Angel at his apartment and finds him. He says that , that night was just a one-night stand. Jenny's uncle said that if Angel had even one moment of pure happiness he would turn and now he has. Angelus is in Sunnydale High and asks Willow to approach him and asks Xander to get the others.

Jenny appears and asks Willow to stay away from him. Jenny's uncle has told her that Angel has turned. She does and he grabs her around the neck. Buffy walks in the entrance of the school. Asks him to remember, behind Angel Xander creeps up and shoves a cross in Angel's face. Angel is forced to let go of Willow and then storms out. No weapon forged can kill The Judge, but that was a long time ago. Cordelia and Xander break in to an army base and steal a rocket launcher which Buffy uses to smash the Judge to pieces. She then goes after Angel, she can't kill him yet, but gives him a very powerful kick to the groin area!

Date aired: 1-20-1998


The gang tries to save a werewolf from a poacher; Oz makes the startling discovery that he is the werewolf in question.

Xander and Cordelia are making out in Cordelia's soft top car in the middle of the woods. Suddenly a hairy arm slashes through the top and makes a grab at Xander and Cordelia. Xander is convinced that it was a werewolf, and Giles gets strangely excited, he's never encountered a werewolf before. That night Buffy and Giles stake out Lover's Lane. But all they find is a money grabbing killer of a werewolf hunter called Cain. Werewolves are attracted to sexual activity, as Cain points out so Buffy and Giles head to the Bronze.

Buffy and the werewolf fight it out but it escapes. The werewolf finds Theresa's body, and looks up to see Angelus, they snarl and Angelus disappears. A werewolf is lying in the woods and reverts to human form, and it's Oz. Xander and Buffy check whether it was a werewolf that killed Theresa, it wasn't, it was a vampire, Angelus to be precise. Theresa woke as a vampire, but not for long. Oz tries to chain himself to stop him from attacking anymore people. Willow comes and sees him change, and she's next on the menu...

Date aired: 1-27-1998

Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered

Things get dangerous when all the women in Sunnydale - except Cordelia - are after Xander due to a love spell gone wrong.

Xander plans to give a sliver heart to Cordelia on Valentine's Day. When he does he got a different reaction to what her expected. Cordelia wanted to break up. Xander's very hurt at Cordelia's decision. Upon seeing Amy cast a spell on a teacher, Xander asks for a love spell. Amy agrees but needs something of Cordelia's. Xander asks Cordelia for her necklace back, Cordelia said she hated it, but was actually wearing it.

That evening they cast the spell. The next day all the girls in Sunnydale High are attracted to him. Harmony's group call Cordelia a "sick puppy" for letting him go. In the library Buffy seems oddly attracted to Xander, and Amy too. The love spell affected everyone but Cordelia, the necklace protected her. Xander returns to the library running from the mob. Buffy walks in, seemingly only wearing a raincoat. Xander doesn't want anything to happen. Then Amy walks in, they fight over Xander and Amy turns Buffy into a rat. The Buffy rat escapes and Oz punches Xander for hurting Willow...

Date aired: 2-10-1998


Angel continues to torment Buffy; Jenny tries to curse Angel with a soul again, but he stops her - permanently.

Buffy wakes up and finds a sketch of herself which Angelus left for her. Willow has been given a new responsibility by Jenny, to take the class because she might me late one day. Buffy drops in while Willow and Jenny are talking and they both walk off together leaving Jenny and Giles. Jenny tries to apologise to Giles and gives him a book to help with the invitation problem. Jenny's been researching since Angel' turned. Buffy confesses slightly to her mother, saying Angelus has been stalking her, and not to invite him in if he comes over. Spike's begins to grow tired of the way Angelus is treating Buffy, instead of just killing her. Drusilla gets a slight premonition that something bad is going to happen.

Jenny bought an Orb of Thesulah, she plans o restore Angelus' soul. Jenny's working on a computer programme to decipher the ancient text so she can perform the ritual, and she cracks it. Prints it out and saves it onto a disk and removes the disk. As she looks up she sees Angelus. He approaches her and the computer, smashes the computer on the floor and burns the print out on the fire that has been caused. Angelus grabs the Orb and remarks how fragile it is and smashes it against the board. As Jenny tries to make a run for the other door Angelus grabs her and chucks her against the door, which open and the chase is on. They chase around the school, Jenny climbs the stairs only to find Angelus waiting there for her and he swiftly breaks her neck.

Giles finds Jenny in his bed, bent on revenge he goes with all his best weapons to the factory. Buffy, Willow, Xander and Cordelia hear about Jenny's death and try to find Giles. Xander's glad he went after Angelus, but Buffy isn't, Giles is going to get himself killed. Meanwhile at the factory Giles managed to set fire to part of the factory and was beating Angelus with a flamed base ball bat. But Angelus got the upper hand only for Buffy to arrive. They fight, Spike and Drusilla have already disappeared. While Angelus escapes Buffy saves Giles and takes him outside. Giles says, "It wasn't your fight!" Buffy punches him and says, "You can't leave me. I can't do this alone!". The episode ends at Jenny's funeral. Buffy feels extremely guilty, as if it were her fault.

Date aired: 2-24-1998

Killed By Death u>

A raging fever sends Buffy to the hospital, where her fever enables her to see a normally invisible monster that preys on children.

Even though Buffy's enormously ill with a killer flu she relentlessly goes on patrol. She meets up with Xander, Cordelia and Willow who are also out on patrol. They try and convince her to go home but Angelus appears. The weakened Buffy tries to fight him off but she can't. Suddenly Buffy faints. The gang rush her off to hospital. After Buffy got out of the emergency room she was told she had to stay at the hospital for a few more days, this didn't fill her with joy, and she had to be sedated. At night she sees a boy followed by an unsavory character. She follows but is plagued by memories of her childhood when her cousin Celia was in the hospital. She wakes up, it was a dream. She goes to the children's ward where she sees a young girl get carted off, dead. A boy called Ryan said it was Death.

Angelus tries to enter the hospital but Xander, Buffy's white knight, stops him from going any further than the corridor near Buffy's room. At night Buffy dreams more about her cousin Celia who died in hospital. The next morning the gang arrive with gifts and Buffy tells them what she saw. Willow and Giles suspect Dr. Backer, they research on him and it doesn't look good. That night Buffy goes to the children's ward and Ryan is drawing a picture of Death. Buffy reassures him. While Dr. Backer was in the ward he was attacked by an invisible being and killed. Buffy saw this.

With the picture they researched more and found out what it was, Der Kindestod. Literally means child death, it feeds off children. Buffy remembers how Celia died, and it was Der Kindestod. The only way she could see it was when she had the fever, so she re-infects herself. As her temperature rises she sees Der Kindestod heading for the basement. On her way down she meets up with Xander, in the basement Xander takes the children to safety while Buffy kicks ass! She snaps his neck.

Date aired: 3-03-1998

I Only Have Eyes For You

The tortured ghost of a former student haunts SHS, reenacting the murder/suicide he committed.

At The Bronze Buffy is asked whether she would mind asking this guy to the Sadie Hawkins Dance. Buffy declines, still not in the dating mood. In the school corridors a couple are fighting, it begins to get ugly when he draws a gun. When Buffy intercepts the gun and the fight disappear. The couple had no recollection of why they were fighting. The next day Principal Snyder thinks it was mostly Buffy's fault. Snyder leaves the room and tells Buffy to stay. When she does a Sunnydale High yearbook falls off the shelf from 1955.

In class Buffy dreams about a class happening in 1955, also girls are talking about the Sadie Hawkins Dance, like real life. When Buffy wakes up the teacher writes "Don't walk away from me bitch" on the board. Buffy begins telling Xander this, as he opens his locker a hand comes from inside it and grabs him. Buffy and Xander tell Willow and Giles about this.

That night Ms. Frank passes the janitor, George, on her way home in the corridor. Suddenly they begin to reenact what the first couple started, but this one ends in a death, of the teacher, however when Giles intercepted George couldn't remember what he was doing. It was Grace Newman and James Stanley. James shot the teacher in Sunnydale High in 1955. Willow decides it's time to get rid of this big evil so Xander, Buffy, Cordelia and Willow go to the school to perform a ritual, but it goes wrong and they end up fleeing from the school, which became infested with wasps.

At home Buffy and the gang discuss the next move. While Buffy is in the kitchen she finds a Sadie Hawkins Dance poster from 1955 and gets lured to the school. In school she finds Angelus who begins to taunt her into a fight but suddenly they begin to reenact the fight between Grace and James. But Buffy is James and Angelus is Grace. Buffy shoots Angelus and goes to shoot herself. But since Angelus is a vampire he comes back to life and stops Buffy from killing herself and the spirits are free.

Angelus returns to the garden where he tries to wash off the love that he felt, and then goes on a hunt with Drusilla. When they've gone the crippled Spike stands up and kicks his wheelchair aw

ay... Date aired: 4-28-1998

Go Fish

When it appears that something is targeting the swim team, Xander goes undercover to find the truth.

At a beach party the Sunnydale Highers celebrate the swimming team's win. Buffy's approached by Cameron who keeps her company. Jonathan gets saved by Buffy from Dodd. Dodd and Gage then leave the main party. Dodd suddenly disappears and Gage points out the terrible odour. What he doesn't see is a creature leaving what looks like Dodd's remains. Buffy finds out that only Dodd's skin was left, as if he'd been eaten from the inside. On Cameron's way to the cafeteria he bumps into Xander. When Cameron goes into the cafeteria he notice a foul smell, and then Xander hears a scream and heads to the cafeteria. He finds the same creature that was at the beach and runs.

Giles realizes that the killings are the same order in which the swim team are ranked. So next it was going to be Gage. At The Bronze Buffy tries to keep an eye on Gage, he gets a bit annoyed at Buffy watching his every move and leaves. As he exits Angelus grabs a hold of him and begins to suck, but then spits the blood out. Buffy thinks that Gage may be taking steroids, one reason why Angelus stopped feeding off him. Xander keeps an eye on Gage when Buffy can't, in the swim team, and surprisingly eyes open when Xander emerges into the swimming area.

After practice Buffy waits for Gage outside the locker room. She hears screams and barges in. It seems that the swimmers aren't getting killed, they're just changing into creatures. It turns out the way they get like that is in the steam room, drugs are put in the steam. Buffy goes to Coach Marin, he knocks her into the pool where the creatures are kept. Xander goes to Coach Marin too, punches him and he lands where Buffy was. She was lifted to safety by Xander. Buffy offers her arm but he declines. At the end of the episode the creatures are seen swimming away in the sea.

Date aired: 5-05-1998

Becoming (Part I)

Angel prepares a ritual to awaken a demon that will suck the world into hell; Buffy prepares to kill him, but is torn when Willow discovers the ritual that could restore Angel's soul.

Angelus' voices tell us it's Galway, in 1753. A human Angelus and friend exit a tavern rather drunk. His friend drops to the floor while Angelus sees a young and beautiful girl, it's Darla. They talk and Darla makes him a vampire. Back to present day Sunnydale, Angelus is watching Buffy fight two vampires with Xander. Giles is called to visit Sunnydale Museum to look at an artifact newly found. He asks if they've tried to open it, but asks them not to, until they've deciphered the text.

London - 1860, Drusilla enters a church and begins her confessions. Angelus had murdered the Priest, and so takes his place listening to Drusilla. She pleads for some instructions, and Angelus does so. She was his next target.

Sunnydale, present day - Angelus hears about this artifact, but he knows exactly what's inside, so he and Drusilla go to steal it. Meanwhile at Sunnydale High Willow is coaching Buffy in chemistry. Buffy drops her pencil and it rolls down the side of Jenny's desk. Buffy had a feeling of deja vu, and repeats what she just did. The second time she found a yellow disk, the same disk with Angel's cure on it, or the curse. Buffy and Willow look at the disk on the computer and find out what it is.

Romania - -1898, an old lady is chanting. Angelus appears. His soul has been restored, and he feels all the pain of his victims. Back to present day in Sunnydale Willow and Buffy spread the good news. However Xander disagrees and only thinks that Buffy wants her boyfriend back. At the mansion Angelus tells Spike of Acathla, the demon in the stone. A special ritual is needed to free Acathla. Angelus tries but fails. While this was going on Buffy was outside and met up with Kendra who was directed to Sunnydale by her Watcher. She has the sword that can force Acathla back into the demon dimension, if the curse doesn't work.

Manhattan - 1996, Angel meets Whistler who tells him that his life could be so much more. Whistler and Angel make their way to Los Angeles where Angel sees Buffy at Hemery High for the first time. After some more watching Angel finds out about Buffy's mother and father, and their fights. He wanted to help, so he did. Sunnydale - present day, a female vampire goes into the high school, into one of Buffy's exams. She tells her of the meeting with Angelus that night, and then bursts into flames.

Buffy goes to battle with Angelus. They duel it out, and then Buffy realises it was a trick. In the library a hoard of vampires had invaded, including Drusilla. Willow was knocked unconscious, Cordelia ran, Xander had his arm broken, Giles was taken by the vamps and Kendra was killed by Drusilla. After Buffy realised she ran back to the school, but was too late, and also bumped into the cops...

Date aired: 5-12-1998

Becoming (Part II)

Buffy's life is a mess when her mother discovers her secret life, and she's expelled from school and forced to make a heart-wrenching decision when both Angel's and Willow's rituals succeed.

Buffy manages to evade the cops, and runs through gunfire. Buffy disguises herself and heads to the hospital. She meets up with Xander, and they hug. She finds out about Willow in a coma. But Giles wasn't there, he was kidnapped by Angelus so that he could help him in the ritual. Buffy's investigations starts at Giles' apartment. Here Buffy meets Whistler. He says that things weren't meant to go this way and that Angel was meant to be helping Buffy. Buffy heads for her home, and bumps into some police officers and Spike. Spike gives a hand to Buffy in evading the police officers. Spike admits that he doesn't want the world to end, and he wants Drusilla back, but needs Buffy's help. Buffy reluctantly takes the alliance. Spike and Buffy discuss further in the house. One of Angelus' vamps comes in and Buffy stakes him.

Willow emerges from her coma with Oz just rushing in. At the Mansion Giles is being tortured for the information that Angelus wants. At the Summers' home Buffy and Spike come to an agreement, when it's over Spike and Drusilla leave and never come back. When Spike leaves Joyce demands an explanation. Buffy tries to give one, but Joyce wants more. Buffy's about to walk out of the door when Joyce says, "If you walk out that door, don't even think of coming back!". Buffy walks out of the door to Joyce's dismay.

Willow wants to try the curse again in the hospital. Buffy retrieves the sword which Kendra had brought. On leaving the library Buffy's told that she's expelled from school by Principal Snyder. Drusilla is trying her hypnotic skills on Giles. Giles sees Drusilla as Jenny, and tells her everything. Buffy returns to Giles' apartment to know from Whistler how to use the sword. All he said was that only Angel's blood will close the vortex to hell. One blow of the sword will trap Angelus and Acathla in the hell. Buffy heads to the Mansion, on her way she sees Xander. Xander wants to help, and volunteers to get Giles. But he fails to tell her that Willow is trying the curse again.

At the Mansion, as Angelus is about to pull the sword from Acathla, Spike rises from his wheelchair and hits Angelus over the head. An angry Drusilla attacks Spike for what he just did. In the mean time Angelus ran over to Acathla and pulled the sword out. Xander goes to free Giles, and they escape.

Willow, Cordelia and Oz try the curse again. This time Willow does some channeling thing and speaks in the same tongue as the old gypsy did. While this is going on Buffy and Angelus are dueling it out. As Willow finishes the spell and Angel's soul is restored, Buffy was about to plunge the sword into him. Angel doesn't remember a thing. Buffy and Angel kiss for the last time, Buffy tells him to close his eyes and the she plunges the sword into him, sealing him and Acathla into hell. Buffy breaks down into tears.

Buffy packs up her things and leaves. Joyce goes into her bedroom only to find a goodbye note. The last we see of Buffy is her leaving Sunnydale on a bus.

Date aired: 5-19-1998