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Thoughts of the Day

Fact- Wanda Sykes is funny. (( Sorry for not spelling her name right. Fact- If men not talking much, and wanting to hang out with their friends, and looking at other girls, is or at least can be detremental to a relationship, then giving tests to men that they don't know they are taking, instead of just saying what the problem is or what they want, is/can also be. Fact- Farrets while neat, are smelly. Fact- Bars are cooler than clubs, becuase people in bars are more likely to socailize and talk. Instead of just "meeting" people. (( Wanted to throw that in in case someone thought I was a jock.)) Fact- Both Bars and clubs sort of suck usually. Fact- The next person that calls my major useless, is going to get a fucking earful. Fact- "inkling" is an actual length of time. Fact- I am hungry. Time to eat. hehe