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Rikonayh's Coffin

Offerings to the Gods

Linkees! ^_^
Gundam Wing Fan Fiction
X-Men Universe Fan Fiction
More Adoptions of Mine
Gothic Rymes of the Broken Vampiress
Quizzes I've Taken
Vulcanology- My E/S Science Term Project
Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction
Cowboy BeBop Fan Fiction Archive
A History of Unmanned Space Exploration

I'M BBAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK!!!!! And let me say one thing...HAWAI'I IS AWESOME!!! Yes, I'm here on the island of Maui and it is the most fabulous thing in the world. I LOVE IT! I have taken up the sport of recreational SCUBA diving..well....I WILL be taking it up once I get god I need to start writing again...some of the stuff in here is so yeah, I'm a college freshman now at Franklin College so I'll probably start writing some more good angsty stuff here in the next few weeks or so because exams will be starting which in turn means that I'll start fretting. And I have become the dorm floors resident computer geek who keeps the labs of computers running...well...that is when I'm not running away from computers. There's this really cool guy that works at the Maui Dreams Dive Company in Kihei, Maui, Hawaii (which is the primo place to go if you are ever here and want to go SCUBA Diving) and he is WAY awesome, so just ask for Jim Petruzzi and tell him that Riko told you to tell him to take ya on your first Intro dive. He's cool about showing newbies the ropes and he reads great books like Heinlein and Douglas Adams as well as Terry Pratchett (my newest craze in the literary circles). ACK! well look at the time. Sorry to go so soon but I promise I'll update sometime soon to keep this place instep and running. I just need to find the time to start writing again. Peace, Love and Concentrated Sugar Packets.....Rikonayh
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