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The Command and Conquer Red Alert Series

Photo shows what the box for the C&C Red Alert series one looks like. Introduction to the Site (I built this website using Before I go any further with this site, which I started in May 2004, I should perhaps explain how it is that I became addicted to the C&C Red Alert computer game series in the first place. It was about 1996 or 1997 and I was either 18 or 19 years old. My brother was down to his friend Rick's house, and when he came home he had burrowed Rick's copy of Red Alert and brought it home with him. He taught me how to play (this was Red Alert 1; Red Alert 2 didn't come out until 2001-2002) and soon I was addicted to it. (Damn you Rick; damn you!) A few months later I had to get the game and I got a copy of it for my birthday. And I haven't stopped since. Now I have Red Alert 1 series, Red Alert 2 series plus Red Alert 2 Expansion pack Yuri's Revenge, Red Alert Counterstrike, and Red Alert the Aftermath. And I play them all the time now. About myself. You can call me Svetlana. I know not many Red Alert fans are female; I've searched many RA sites and so far I've not found one that was made by a female, only mine. Some people might be surprised to find out that a Red Alert fan (me) is a female. It seems to me though that most fans of the game are males because that's what the game was aimed towards is males. And that's what bothers me some about the game itself. I'll go into that later, when on my website somewhere I'll write my own personal thoughts about the game. (By the way, I am not very experienced in RA 2 as I just got the game at Christmas and I haven't been able to really play it since I go to university. I don't have much experience either with playing against real live human players. so please bear with me.) On this site I will be writing about the Red Alert 1 series and the Red Alert 2 series. There will be information such as what the stories are about, the characters, the actors and actresses (RA used live actors and actresses on screen), how to play the game, the missions that you have to complete to win the game, my own personal tactics I use to win those missions, the various units and buildings you can create and, what I consider to be very important, the various very true stories that the game itself is based on. Some players of Red Alert may not know much Russian history and so will not know about these events. Unfortunately, many Red Alert sites I've visited have failed to mention them. So I will do it (I can since I specialize in the study of Russian history and plan to become a university Russian History professor). Well, in the illustrious words of Forrest Gump, that's all I'm gonna say about that. And now, business awaits.

Click here (yes, to my other website) to learn a little about me.
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Click here to read the Command and Conquer Red Alert Series One story.
Click here to read the Command and Conquer Red Alert Series Two story.
Click here to see my bibliography page.
Click here to read about the characters of Command and Conquer Red Alert Series One.
click here to learn about the characters of Command and Conquer Red Alert Series Two.
