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New Awakenings
Qetesh, owner and valkyrja

Welcome to Hartford, capital of Connecticut. Here at New Awakenings we have a variety of methods for getting you in contact with the deceased.

Zombie raising: We have several powerful animators able to raise any zombie under the age of 500. The older the zombie, the higher the fee, as a larger sacrifice and more power is needed. Those interested in having a zombie raised must provide identification and a valid reason for wanting the zombie raised. (Sorry, no human sacrifices)

Not interested in zombies? We also have psychics available to assist you, as well as necromancers, a vaudun priestess, and a preternatural expert to help you with your other dead/ undead - related problems.

Enjoy your stay here in Hartford. Watch out for any wandering zombies . . . mwahahaha and while you're around, click here