Don't try to rp my char's actions, you will be ignored.
Any attacks on my char are at your own risk.
You may not kill, dismember or harm my char without consent.
Don't address me OOC for IC matters.
Don't IM me, email me with your idea of flirting to get my attention. You won't get it, I am very happy with my char and if you bother to read my page you would realize she is very much taken.
I don't have patience anymore for the immature gossip and drama that seems to circulate like a highschool hall when the bell rings. LOL that's funny..::ding, ding::...hehe I amuse myself sometimes. Which means, don't talk OOC to me if I do not know you, only a select few I will talk too.

I am a very nice person, I love who I am. I love my friends, my family. I love to rp. I love to create and I enjoy life. I am content in my life and will remain that way. Nothing will change that. I am very in love and none could turn me away from him. I have few friends and they are the only trusted ones. Rhy'din has changed immensely...sobering fact.

To my best friend, you know who you are. Never would have made it through alot of heartache if it was not for you. You have been the rock that has kept me here, it's been hard and still is at times. We have loved, hated, held and thrown away...Alot has gone on with us, somehow we are still here. You are the one that has seen the light I have within me above all the hurt in my life. You know the mistakes I have made, the loneliness that tries to claim me and eventually will. I know we will never be as we were...but I also know we have grown closer and stronger through all the hell. We will always be close in my soul. Words cannot explain what my heart feels for you, it's endless.
