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Liam 3000

Believe it or not, Liam 3000 is actually based on a real person. So are most of the characters in the game. This does kind of make the whole game a giant in-joke, which only a few people will actually understand, but -to quote Liam himself- feh. I mean, Jonny RPG and Duzz Quest do the same thing and nobody complained about that. And besides, Liam 3000 is a platformer with very little plot so who cares. Enjoy!

Download (4.9 MB)

Related Things

Here is a review from Singjo Panraabi's site. Parts of it are slightly inaccurate, but it's the thought that counts.

My deviantART page now features a page for Liam 3000 which includes a poorly-made photoshop of Liam 3000 on a Nintendo DS! Well, it doesn't look that bad, it's just kind of budget as I just placed screenshots from two seperate levels onto the screens. Such is life...

Here is an email I got from a dissatisfied customer (who is most certainly not Dr. T).

Liam 1000: Keyboardiac -a mock prequel to Liam 3000 I made that is actually a prototype for Mind Menace- can be downloaded here. A screenshot can be seen here.The Liam 3000 sprite was just used as a placeholder graphic. (Zip file)

Want to add to the gallery of Liam 3000 related things? Why not write a creepy, Kyle on Liam fan-fiction and send it to me?