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<title>Osicran: Home of the Flaming Knives of Death</title>



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<h1>Welcome to Osicran</h1>


<p>Welcome one and all to my first website, <i>Osicran</i>. Now when I say first, I most likely mean only, because the HTML for these things is annoying as hell. Oh well, what I do for my fans (if anyone actually views this site).


<p>Ok. Lets see, I guess I gotta entertain you now. Well then how bout the thing that’s gonna make <i>Osicran</i> famous… the comics. Mind you these are hand drawn, unless I decide to start a sprite comic(hey you never know), so there not top notch comic material, but they’ll do. If you don’t think so, just wait til I find you. So ya… here you go!


<a href=>Comics</a>


<p>Well… unfortunately, for now that’s all I got, unless you count the lil blog thing at the end of the page, full of my witty retorts. I’ll think of more to add later. Til then, enjoy the comics




<p>Today marks the launching of Osicran. With that I guess I gotta give a lil explination of whats going on.


<p>First off, Yes Steve and Angela(and apparently now Favian), Osicran will most likely be a mini InkyBlob. But after all, Inkyblob(I really hope that’s not copyrighted) was the inspiration for me to start Osicran. And besides, most webcomic places are set up the same anyway.

<p>Second off, Yes this is a very basic site. But understand, I just learned how to do everything in HTML. So for a while now, this is gonna be a basic site. Most likely you’ll have to use the back button, until I put links in every page. Also, mostly everything will be in words until I figure out image links. The only images you will probably see is the comics themselves.

<p>Third, No I probably wont be updating on a regular basis, at least not until I get better software. As of now, I am doing the whole “tweaking” process on paint. That means darkening, cleaning, and then adding text. For those of you who haven’t tried that before, <b>DON’T</b>, it takes forever. So updates will happen when they happen, but most likely will not be more than a week apart.

<p>I think that about covers everything I wanted to cover. So, I hope you all enjoy the site. Later.


