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11/01/03 ~11:19pm~ Well 15 new pictures are up. Yes that's right, 15. Can you believe it? I sure can't :D 5 are in the 2002 section, and the other 10 are in the brand new 2003 section. Weee! So I'm pretty much caught up with my art for the moment except for the ones I'm still fiddling or working on. I'm pretty happy and glad about that one >^^< So go ahead and enjoy. And please drop a line in the guestbook? I like to hear feedback. Good or bad! Just be polite please ^^()
~ Kiki chan>^^<

10/16/03 ~ Oh my it's been quite awhile since I last updated ^^() So sorry about all that. Actually there has been an update, I was just too lazy to post about it when I did it. That was last weekend I believe. I had finaly gotten around to posting those pictures I had uploaded earlier. A couple days ago I scanned in the rest of my 2002, early 2003 sketches from my sketchbook, and tonight I'm going to try and get around to uploading them, and then posting them up for all to see. If I don't get around to it tonight, hopefully next week. This site has been getting almost a hit a day which actually surprises me. Yay! I now have put up a guestbook too so I am going to expect people to sign it. Tell me if you love what I'm doing or even if you hate what I'm doing. I want to know about it! So please! Drop me a line and let me know! Thanks so much ^^
~ Kiki chan>^^<

9/20/03 ~ You may not have noticed, but this website has been tweaked and so forth during the month of silence. Trust me. I have some new artwork ready to be posted up and shown. I have it uploaded, just have to get around to posting it. It's old artwork that hasn't been viewed before. I'm still too critical of my 2003 work to post it right now. Yeah... go figure ^^()
Also the links section is up. Not everything is posted yet, but soon my friends, very very soon. I'm just a busy girl, since college will be starting soon, and I have work that lately I've been at 20hrs a week. That and I'm lazy. So you see how it is ^^()
Thanks for your patience, and if you have a website that you wish me to link to e-mail me it and we'll discuss it
~ Kiki chan >^^<
