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Name: Tyophaez`Pagean
Birthday: Unknown
Age: 20
Family: One sister whereabouts unknown
Marital Status: None
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 112
Hair Color: Black with blonde hi-lights
Eye Color: Amber
Weapons:Two sai and bombori (occationally a broad sword)

Past: Pagean was brought up in an Amazon sisterhood. She was taught to kill; she was taught that all women are sisters as long as they do not dishonor themselves and that all men are bastards, meant for nothing else than producing an heir. Pagean is very proud of her past and heritage. Her tattoos mark that she came to age in the tribe and offered the choice become Priestess or Queen. Her piercings show that she was and still is queen over the Chinese Amazons.Pagean was awarded the title of queen at the age of 16. When she was 17, Pagean came upon Cavelia being attacked by men. Without thinking against it, she killed all of the men present. She brought Cavelia to the village were she was blessed and then let back out into the warring world. The tribes were destroyed because of the war; The temples used for whore-houses, the houses burnt to the ground, the Amazon spirit broken. Pagean and a few remain Amazon's left their broken tribes and searched for a land of peace. During this search when she was 19 she and Cavelia fell into the same path again, and they left the land together.