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Blog of a Teenage Dirtbag
Sunday, 22 February 2004
I feel pritteeeeeee, oh so pritteeeeee!!
I just got back from the Quarry. 'Twas my, uh *thinks a bit*...7th date with Joe. We (well I) had fun. I spit ice at him, and...did other things with ice to him, heh. I love making out. Seriously, it's so fun and awesome and innocent...well okay, it's pretty hot but you can't get pregnant from making out so it's badass!
That is all *nods*

Posted by vamp/neuromancia at 8:40 PM MST
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Thursday, 19 February 2004

Shadows Seraph (7:05:13 PM): Are you there?
KillsBeauty (7:05:32 PM): Yes.
Shadows Seraph (7:05:41 PM): Okay.
Shadows Seraph (7:05:44 PM): You have nothing to say?
KillsBeauty (7:05:57 PM): Nothing that wouldn't be wasting your time.
Shadows Seraph (7:06:33 PM): I detect a hint of spite and dry sarcasm in that phrase.
KillsBeauty (7:06:42 PM): I can't imagine why
Shadows Seraph (7:07:24 PM): I'd say because it's there, but that's just a theory. Anyway, you obviously need to cool off before I talk to you again, so i'll let you do that.
KillsBeauty (7:08:07 PM): 'Cool off'?
Shadows Seraph (7:08:29 PM): Yeah.
KillsBeauty (7:08:39 PM): I'd im you to say hey or something, and you'd simply say how much you don't care.
KillsBeauty (7:08:50 PM): So really...either way, I'll be pissed for a little while.
Shadows Seraph (7:09:44 PM): If that pisses you off then we have a problem. What's wrong with me wanting to spend the time I have online (which is continually growing more and more limiited) with useless drivel?
KillsBeauty (7:10:33 PM): Nothing, but you could simply say that instead of waiting longer to say anything and then telling me that I'm a waste of time.
KillsBeauty (7:10:55 PM): I mean, seriously, it's called tact.
Shadows Seraph (7:11:31 PM): I have enough tact to suffice. The only problem is that you seem to want all the facts sugar-coated ad nauseum. It's like I can't even talk to you.
KillsBeauty (7:12:30 PM): Is it my fault that you've apparently decided that now that I'm your girlfriend, you're officially allowed to treat me like shit?
Shadows Seraph (7:13:36 PM): I'm not treating you like shit. Treating you like shit would be to use you for information and other gains. I actually listen to you and respect you and love you and trust you. Just because what I say is stated a bit harshly doesn't mean that I'm trying to hurt you. Jeez. What the hell is wrong with you? I thought you were more mature than this.
KillsBeauty (7:14:05 PM): I'm sorry, I'm kind of not great to talk to right now.
Shadows Seraph (7:14:51 PM): Why?
KillsBeauty (7:15:08 PM): Do you actually care?
Shadows Seraph (7:15:13 PM): What the screaming hell?
Shadows Seraph (7:15:17 PM): Of course I care!
Shadows Seraph (7:15:27 PM): Argh... fuck this... don't tell me, then.
KillsBeauty (7:15:37 PM): Gah, I'm really sorry.
Shadows Seraph (7:15:52 PM): Fine.
KillsBeauty (7:16:09 PM): I'm just tired and stressed and trying not to let other people get to me.
Shadows Seraph (7:16:30 PM): Well, if you're so tired then why the hell don't you get some rest? You're ALWAYS tired!!
KillsBeauty (7:17:00 PM): Because I have a shitload of work to do for the few schools that haven't rejected me yet.
Shadows Seraph (7:17:34 PM): Then why aren't you doing it?
KillsBeauty (7:17:50 PM): I am.
Shadows Seraph (7:18:21 PM): Then why did you complain about being tired if you're tending to the problem?
Shadows Seraph (7:18:30 PM): I mean, it's not like there's anything I can do about it.
Shadows Seraph (7:18:50 PM): And if you're too tired to talk with people properly, then just sign off until you're rested.
KillsBeauty (7:19:30 PM): I have other people who I need to talk to.
KillsBeauty (7:19:49 PM): And they actually want to talk to me.
Shadows Seraph (7:20:28 PM): Fine. Then if you don't want to talk to me, why are you?
KillsBeauty (7:20:46 PM): I never said I didn't want to talk to you.
KillsBeauty (7:20:57 PM): But you don't seem to want to talk to me.
Shadows Seraph (7:21:13 PM): I only want to talk to you about something significant.
KillsBeauty (7:21:50 PM): Well, since I don't really have anything significant to say to you...
KillsBeauty (7:21:55 PM): I'll leave you to people who matter.
Shadows Seraph (7:22:31 PM): Fine. You know where to find me if you have something you wanna say.

I fucking hate humanity.

Posted by vamp/neuromancia at 6:28 PM MST
Updated: Thursday, 19 February 2004 6:43 PM MST
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Saturday, 14 February 2004

Well looky here. It seems you've stumbled upon the Blog of Amy, you lucky dog! Well okay, you aren't really all that lucky. But that's okay.
Due to the fact that I'm nowhere near as interesting as I like to think I am, I won't be updating often. Yes, precious and few are the moments we share.

Posted by vamp/neuromancia at 12:50 AM MST
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