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Happy 2005! Woo hoo! I have made a resolution to update and manage this site. That's right kids. I am back. So I am further putting up stories. Other than that, life is unlovely as usual.


Nope. Nothing more yet. I figured that putting up every poem of mine is far too time consuming for now, so I'll do it some other time. For now I simply linked a page at that has my poetry on it. Take a gander. You have to be an above 18 member to view the abuse/erotica shizzay. Not that I have any of that or anything.................... Oh yeah, a picz page is comin up soon. Just waitin on the ol' films to get developed.

Nothing much. School blows as usual. Waitin for December. HALLOWEEN'S COMING BABY!! Oh yeah, all you kids go get hyped off of candy. ya bums.


Ok so I never did finish this site. I probably never will. But we can still all dream. Due to the loss of sanity affecting my parents, I have been sent to the middle of nowhere with absolutely nothing to do. In short, I have no life and I will babble on and on at this stupid site I made for god knows why.

So anyway, if you're reading this you must be very very VERY bored. As am I. So this morning I woke up around 2. Probably more afternoonish than morning. I realized my parents were out. I took full advantage of this. Turn up the Misfits and sing along in my underwear. A beautiful sight if you're blind. Well here's the catch. Our house is new and we don't have blinds yet, so we have blankets pinned up over the windows. In our family room, this one little corner was left bare. And all the construction workers building other houses behind ours got a nice view of me in my underwear dancing around and banging my head. Humility has found me before. But this time, I swear I almost heard God laughing himself.


There is nothing on this site as of now, except a few links here and there. I am working on it, I swear! It's just taking me some time. Check back later.
I hope you all had a Valentines Day as shitty as mine!

Baller Icons
Bored At Work
Fiction Press
Gothic Martha Stewart
Happy Tree Friends
Internet Junk
Liquid Generation
Muted Faith
The Spark
Quote Cache
Weeble & Bob
Spells & Magic