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Nashabane's Lair — Profile

Name:  Nashabane_Nightshade
Location:  Some where under ground, No where
Birthday:  31 October, 1920
Bio:  I am a minion of a higher power that has created my destiny. He bore his heart out for me to live for eternity. I am most greatful for his most unselfish deed. I am only two centuries old. I am considered still a newborn soul. I am on a quest to find out my full potential. I have been awake but my eyes are closed... I am blinded from what is real and what is an illusion. I hope to find in time that my sympathy for the weak is erased from my mind. I have wanted for some time now to find creatures such as myself, but that has all been in vain. I crave for a soul to guide me or be by my side down this long, unyeilding road... friend or love. I cannot bare another century alone... even though I am immortal I still have mortal feelings. Nashabane Nightshade
Interests:  Vampire lore, novels, movies, poetry, and culture. Meeting others with the same drive for what is the real truth to existance. Cultured, open-minded, honest, self-assured, opionated, and sincere people. I am a artist, poet, novelist,and could say the muses blessed me with many gifts. I enjoy going to cemetaries and writing poetry, having witty conversations with others, drawing, writing short stories and comic books, writing music, and coming up with really outlandish ideas. I am getting back into making amatuer independant horror films. My side projects are a wide array of writings and studies. If you want to learn more about me... ask and ye shall recieve!
Blog Created:  Tuesday, 14 September 2004
Last Updated:  Wednesday, 18 September 2024 - 3:54 PM CDT
Blog Entries:  0

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