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Naptowne Vamp

Welcome to my world. It’s a different place than where you live, but you probably wont notice that much. My life is, if I do say so myself, interesting. There are good things and bad things, just like everyone else, and really good things, and really bad things too.

Some of theses things I don’t want to share with the younger generation, so if your not 18, GO AWAY! I’m only goanna tell you once, and man, if your parents find out you are reading this they are going to flip, and not in a good way either. So scram! I don’t want any trouble son, keep moving.

If you are of age and you feel you might want to wander on, please feel free to do so. I’m doing this for you people anyway. I figure, even if our worlds are different, our reality isn’t, and you really should be aware of what's going on around you.

If you got questions, and I’m sure you will, please feel free to ask me. You may not like the answers you get, but such is life. Have a look around and take your time, I’ve got plenty, how about you?


Danielle E. Zander

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My Sotry...
